This is just too much, but promoting the org is what the game is all about.
Jan Awake to push the Web Site
by konceptual99 32 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, that's a bit surprising.
By the way, fun fact: Paul Grundy owns too, so it can redirect to the .com, so if you were to write "FACTS" next to the "JW" on the cover, it would be a valid URL to take them to
I think they are just hoping that everyone will forget about their past and embrace the modernized version of JWism.
Suavojr said, " The 8 men in NYC are planning some more major changes."
Here is my gut feeling. If they are really all about the benjamins and they want to survive, they have to admit that the new covenant includes ALL dubs. Then they can say that the Kingdom Covenant is a Jesus thing, and he does the choosing. Evidently the GB/FDS have been chosen, what proof is there? Why, their existence of course! It depends on how much they want to mainstream and reduce negative feedback from the general public. Can they do business without the mark of the beast? The GB obviously don't believe that Christ can get the preaching work done without his one true Organization lifting up her skirt. It makes me sick.
Perhaps handing out this Awake is a command that does not seem sound from a human standpoint?
I see your point DD but what I am referring to is simply the ability for the WT to be like a chameleon and adapt to changes in order to survive and collect more cash.
Based on the way they handle crisis we know they will soon be forced to make more changes to their doctrines such as 1914, blood, etc... You have to admit that when we think the tower is done, they keep making it hilarious for the awaken crowd.
The great thing is when they push people to, the internet, then they will just as much do a search for "Jehovahs Witnesses" and find plenty of great apostate material.
I think they realized they can't fight the internet forever, so if you can't beat em, join em. I hope this backfires. Not easy to hide your cultishness on the internet.
As a non-jw, the first thing I saw was that a woman's face was glowing in the largest picture. Was that your flash maybe? I hope so...
Next thought, why remember a site name when there's Google?
Even funnier now that I think about it - I wouldn't even try to remember that site name. I would type in "Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs" in Google and that would ONLY be after I had a conversation with another non-jw who revealed the cult-like beliefs.
I can't believe they're encouraging people who are not beholden to their GB to go to the internet. We're an unruly bunch... *giggling*
This is the official field service demo for this mag:
AWAKE January “Would you agree that families face many pressures today? [Allow for re- sponse.] This Bible proverb tells us what families must have in order to build up and fortify their household. [Read Proverbs 24:3.] Many have found the Bible to be a re- liable source of wisdom. This magazine dis- cusses a unique, Bible-based Web site that has some free tools to help families.”