Lawsuits with big $$$ awards attached lead to schemes for raising instant revenue to offset losses.
What is the best bet?
Read the NYTimes and make a guess.
by Terry 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
Lawsuits with big $$$ awards attached lead to schemes for raising instant revenue to offset losses.
What is the best bet?
Read the NYTimes and make a guess.
Yup, if you work out the true cost to the WT of producing this "New" version, it is very small. Yes, paper ,ink, factories and distribution all cost, but they have free labour working on it, and no publicity costs at all . The Annual Meeting huge worldwide advert was self-funding.
If all the English speaking JW's only donate $10 a copy, they will make a large profit, which is at least something, as they never made a Prophet.
In the 70s, we did a lot of cost accounting in the Pressroom as overseers, even took trips to the US Govt. printing office in D.C. to see if we could keep using letterpress. (NO).
With overhead, employee costs, MACHINE DEPRECIATION, etc. it cost the WT (back then) about $1 each to make the NWT in large quantities. Of course, in the ROTARY pressroom, the minumum run was 1 million up to 5 million for a new version. Being in charge of ALL rotary Bible printing from 1976 to 1980, I supervised (and printed many) of over 100 million NWTs. I have a whole cost accounting sheet that 3 of us helped compile to try and convice the heads of the factory to move to offset printing. We had to figure ALL the hidden costs. Magazines cost 5 cents each (was "incidentally" the pioneers' cost) and sold for 25 cents. Most books were a 4-500% markup. If you have a green bomb, I may have printed it.
Binding was a large percentage of the cost, as was the cigarette paper at $500 a roll. Now that they got rid of the casemakers (cover makers) and just use paperback, it cut down the cost of workers a lot. Our waste factor (on Bibles, not mAGS) WAS ABOUT 15-20% DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF THE RUN. fOR CONVENTIONS. Horrendously high, and offset printing eliminated that later. (Only applied to books printed on cigarette paper - acid free).
A new release of ANY book was 5-8 million first run for conventions. $$$$$. We were listed as having the 7 highest number of printed books in the world in the Guiness book of records back then. Only the Bible (ALL bIBLES, NOT JUST THE nwt) WERE FIRST, THEN mAO'S LITTLE RED BOOK (CAN'T FIND ONE NOW!). ONE DAY's production made a STACK TWICE AS TALL AS THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING!
Sorry I can't type well, I need new glasses and my left hand is going out again, so on to Dragon Naturally Speaking). :-))
Randall's Classics:
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society: The Critical Years 1975-1997
Fred Franz Discredits Concept of a "Governing Body"
My letter to the Governing Body in 1980 (letter of disassociation)
What Happened at Bethel in the Spring of 1980 (first eyewitness account printed in 1981)
Randy's Scrapbook from Bethel - fellow workers pictures
political cartoons from inside Bethel
QUAK'S CARTOONS reveal inside secrets!
Warren Schroeder (1 979-1982 at Bethel)
Gene Smalley and the Blood Transfusion Issue
Former Service Dept. Bethelite John Bechtel on cults
Real comments from the morning Bethel tables
Territory map from Bethel congregation (Linwood, East New York)
Factory Pressroom Personnel when Randy was a floor overseer (May 1980)
Letters to the Governing Body (collection)
UPDATE on new members of the Governing Body (8/25/05)
Mark Palo: I was molested by a member of the Governing Body
Homosexuality at Bethel and among members of the Governing Body
Twenty-Five Years after Bethel - friends reunited
Bethel, the Truth, and Pleasing Your Parents
Subliminal Art in Watchtower Publications by Bethel Artists
The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society
My Letter to officials re: the DUMBO property: WT plans to build new buildings
My Two Week Consulting Trip to Bethel
Department Heads at Brooklyn Bethel & Patterson (new 9/12/00)
review of Crisis of Conscience (book by Raymond Franz)
View from my room at Bethel (circa 1978) with Twin Towers at sunset
Sorry, I need to fix some of the links yet, but all the articles are there.
Can't see too well so this is a big chore.
what the hell do they do with all the $$$?
Is printing a new Bible a sustainable habit? How soon could the corporation pull this trick again? 2030? 2040? If proceeds were the main motivation, seems to me you could write up some alternative trash book that maybe has less color pictures or something, than print the untouchable. Which has the higher probability: shore up doctrinal changes or shore up income?
a new new world translation. better then the old new world translation.
except for that awful colour.
but--no matter--millions will buy them. ( ownership of the old one will no doubt be deemed apostacy )
but then--the WTS will bow to popular demand---and produce a new new deluxe black edition--with gold edge pages.
and millions will buy them. $$$ KERCHING
I believe the Bibles aren't costing anyone anything. Most who are "encourafed to donate", rarely do
I think the small RNWT was a gift for all the AGM attendees. Remember that they are still planning on releasing the Deluxe Edition of the RNWT as well. So in the meantime they are hyping paranoia, talking up the " 8 dukes " and they will surely be laying it on about donations. So by the time the Deluxe edition is out, people will be in a giving state of mind. I can hear it now.....( dream music .....)
Brother P.O of Suchandsuch Congregation, " I was talking to a Bethel heavy, and he said that one scholar estimated the worth of the RNWT at $100.00. We never ask for a specific price because we don't solicit funds. Still, with the quality of the RNWT, it would surely be appropriate to consider it's value when considering if we can donate towards the world wide work."
The average dub might shell out $30 for a Deluxe Edition, especially since they are "saving" money by not having to send them off to be leather-bound. If every dub gave only $5, the Conti case and more is easily covered.