The Real Aftermath of the AGM...Part 2

by raymond frantz 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    I won't expect a reply, you apologists often don't have the courtesy to do so.

    Ouch. It's kinda difficult to reply to everything directed to me being one of the lone apologists on this forum, not to mention I've got posting limits as a newbie. But as to your questions about why this is happening in the UK, who knows? To be straight with you, and this is a brief moment of me being critical of the organization, you may not see this again, but it wouldn't surprise me if the differences between the US' and the UK's handling of the AM and release of the RNWT were as simple as a miscommunication. That's the least worse case scenario I can think of. Another scenario, the UK's JW leadership has a measure of autonomy and decided themselves how to handle the meeting and Bible release. If that's the case, it was a poor decision on their part. Another reason for the differences between the US and UK, and this is worst case scenario, it may have had to do with supply and demand with the US Branch carrying more weight than the UK and as a result the brothers in the UK organizing the affair had their hand forced. I don't know as I'm not in the know. However, unfortunately I might add, I've seen my fair share of brothers getting their way on organizational matters or procedural matters related to Circuit Assemblies, and District Conventions simply because of who they were. Seen Convention Chairmen throw their weight around, the same as some DOs, COs, and elders. Imperfect men.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Thank you for replying, you make interesting points.. You give a different viewpoint in your posts, which is refreshing. Some are afraid to say anything critical, for some reason. It's not like the governing body prohibit us from voicing our opinions on how things are done, is it?

  • factfinder

    I'm surprised the society did not have Japan and Brazil already helping to get these Bibles out in time in sufficient quantities for everyone.

    In Wallkill they had sold 3 presses and are down to just 2 (web presses). Even running them on double shifts they cannot get enough done on time-I guess they wish they never sold the other presses.

    That is sad for the brothers in Britain. Having to wait until late January-seems like a long way off.

    I hope to get a copy soon from a sister I know (if I can.)

  • nugget

    The fact that new Bibles will not be available for most of the borthers and sisters in the UK until January speaks more of supply issues than miscommunication. It is telling that the US brothers and sisters were treated more generously as the Bibles were printed in the US and it was easier to supply within the country.

    What is the issue is the way the brothers and sisters were chosen to attend the meeting it would have been better PR for long time servants to have been honoured with an invite and new Bible rather than it being allocated in terms of rank.

  • cantleave

    Jehovah's organisation skills and project planning are pretty shit! What a crappy little god.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Japan was used for printing the new Bibles as well as the US

    Apparently they had some technical issues there with ink drying.


  • worf

    As has been alluded to in some of the previous posts in this thread, this whole new bible thing, with some of the rank & file being excluded or being delayed in being able to obtain the new bible, is nothing more than an age old mind-control technique that the borg is using to try to inspire some passion in the tired and bored rank & file, who despite all the evidence that shows them the borg has bamboozled them the entire time they have been in, are still afraid to leave. The shameless borg pulled the same crap with that big green history book they released back in the late 1980's. When it was first released, only witnesses who had been in for a certain amount of time ( or something like that ), got the book first. I remember because my parents were among those who got the book first. They had been witnesses since the 1930's. This latest tactic with this new bible, with some people being held back from obtaining it right away etc. is nothing more than a way to try and put in the minds of the rank & file who didn't get the bible right away, that they were missing out on something and that being in the borg is really worth something. OOOOOHHHHH! , AAAAHHHH!


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Treating people differently separates them from each other by creating jealousy, pride and competition and snobbery. Divide and conquer.

  • Podobear

    Imperfect men, indeed SfPW: From sad experience, I can assure you that the UK branch is full of Elitism and favouritism amongst the Committee and the Rank and File. All you are seeing is the Watchtower, Publishing Wheel doing full circle... constantly producing "New Light" . It is like turning around a Super Tanker in shallow waters. By the time the correct course has been set, the observers are bored and are quickly distracted by other manoeuvres.

    This is not the Way of Life I knew.. It wasn't a "Religion" then... and in the past 30 years, "The Tanker" has turned away from the "route" I chose to follow. The old "Truth" is now a lie!... why did I preach such falsehood to others... and how can the "Golden Oldies" stand by and accept such alterations without question? Beats me. I walked away... disillusioned

  • Jagged Red Pill
    Jagged Red Pill

    Not that I voluntarily try to keep up to date with what's going on, but I do still talk with a couple of nice JWs when I come across them, just because I don't have anything against them personally. It seems there was a big saga going on where I am, regarding the AGM. Some old faithful ones that you would expect to be in good standing had been turned down from attending with no further explanation, while some spoiled elders' bratty children who are of age and would have not qualified by own merit were allowed to attend.

    Logic would tell you that those turned down because they were not with the in crowd would have had their eyes opened a little. However, as far as I've gathered it has made them think that they must be lacking in some way, or maybe their motives for working hard and being faithful all their JW life weren't correct, so they are now set on trying even harder to be “good christians”, and working doubly hard.

    Shame on the GB and whoever was in charge of deciding who was worthy or well connected enough to attend. Not that I care, but I do feel for the few good people I know that felt hurt and unworthy because of this. And yes, I've been told that the Bibles caused an “us vs them” feeling in the following meeting, with AGM attenders being pedantic and smug.

    Hopefully, some of the ones who have been made to feel unworthy by this whole AGM/non-proof-read-bible saga will stop to think about it and let the blinkers fall off.

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