Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-13-2013 WT Study (ENRAGED)

by blondie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    Thank you Blondie!!

    I hope you are feeling better!!

  • GoneAwol

    "Doing" his watchtower every week is one of the last strings my Dad has connected to the borg. Your resilience and hard work mean that I can point out the real meanings behind these programming pamphlets. It really really helps him to open his eyes.

    I just hope the sick bucket is a big one! Much respect Blondie!

  • Joepublisher1

    Ya, it really seems like the WTS is suggesting that the rank-and-file are responsible for all their problems. Truth is, the WTS takes no responsibility for their false hopes and scandals (pedophilia mis-handling/cover-up, UN NGO involvement, etc.). The WTS leaders have convinced people to ignore/avoid higher education and jobs that take us away from meetings. As a result, most JWs are near or at LOW-INCOME levels, without a good education and as a result suffer the consequences of this. So, who is to blame for this? You mean, the WTS takes no blame at all for pressuring/coercing their members to follow their leadings on these matters? It's so typical that the WTS assume/accepts NO BLAME for the bad advice that they give to the rank and file in order to perpetuate the lie that the WTS is God's organization - it's not! It's run by men and all of us exJWs know that - some of the current members strongly believe that, too! The WTS (JW religion) is a sham, a hoax, a digusting fraud.

  • Laika

    Somebody probably should have told Jeremiah it was a sin to get angry at Jehovah. Has anyone on the GB even read the book of Lamentations?

  • jgnat

    If Satan is the primary cause, where does free will and personal responsibility fit in?

    That's your comment that hit home in this article.

    Enraged. Is there no place for righteous indignation?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad


    When a religious institution has a 30% absenteeism from meetings as most COs and DOs are reporting, then what is it that the religious institution such as the WTBTS is doing or not doing to make its members not want to attend the services. And if 30% are opting to stay home from meeting, how many more that do attend are at meetings in body only but whose heart and mind are elsewhere!

    Are more and more JWs, for example, awakening to the fact that the Jehovah’s Witnesses/WTBTS organization is a phony front for an ongoing money making business that has found its calling as a real estate developer whose God has become the Almighty $!

    So the rage/anger is not directed at our heavenly Father, but rather at the harlot ……’Mother’ for being the fraud that she is!

  • BU2B

    Hear hear jwgonebad!!

  • Legacy


    This is the first time I read all of this..I went to the meeting yesterday re: Do not be mad at God....

    What this is really saying...hold on everybody..THIS IS NOT GOD'S don't be angry with God, be angry at the interpreters of God..MAN.

    Why is this organization like Teflon, that to me seems to be the real question....why does everyone know, yet, they don't know ? I have been on sites re: JW's, child abuse, disfellowshipping, FDS are only men, now there are women, now there are no men....& so on...all of this exposure of behind the scenes, yet, they still continue. So, no matter what is said on all these sites, nothing comes of it...

    I am newly baptized & I did all the research on them, the good the bad & the ugly...I know who they are...there are some nice folks in the org. & some not so nice folks...I have gone to other places of worship, what makes them different...Nothing at all, only the doctrine. You could go to a baptist church & the pastor is sleeping around with the sisters, or he may be gay, Catholics, sleeping with the nuns, maybe even drinking the communion wine...There is no paradise on this earth....I'm not saying that they have the entire truth but they do have a ring of truth...just like other denominations...The only truth if you want to believe the Bible...& all the Bible really is, is Life Lessons...Just when you start to point out a flaw in a person, if you keep reading, you'll see your flaw too..As they say, when you point at a person, one finger is pointing at the person, but the other four are pointing back at you....There is no place on earth where you can find pure place.

    Now maybe if all the friends sent a letter to the org. & say, we ain't mad at God/Jehovah, we mad at you...ah, sorry, angry ah sorry again, enraged...wonder how that would playout in a WT (study edition). The entire world knows about the witnesses except the witnesses....I'm a witness but I'm a thinking one & I don't let on....I just keep it moving & keep my thoughts to myself & share them on sites, like these...Someone asked me if I want to see the org. fall, no not at all, I want people to serve not out fear but Love..


  • blondie

    BTW Legacy: Witnesses and congregations who have written to the headquarters bringing forth sincere complaints have been da'd or the congregation was dissolved and many da'd or df'd. No one would know on the outside unless the one telling wants to join the aforementioned jws on the outs.

    That belies the example of the congregation in Galatia that wrote to Paul to tell him that the Jewish Christians (including Peter) were shunning the Gentile Christians.

  • wasblind

    Already had my coffee in hand, thank you for the addition of a good read

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