Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-13-2013 WT Study (ENRAGED)

by blondie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legacy

    BTW Blondie,

    So no one speaks up. No one is so angry at the society that they call Eyewittness news or 60 minutes? Because that's the only way, folks eyes would open. That they go public. Again, many have been exposed in this world, except the witnesses. That's what I don't get. I can understand if you are still there, but it you are DF'd or Da'd, what do you have to loose except to get many to open their eyes of what many already know. Again, I don't want the society to fall but that everyone serve not out of fear but because they love God. They say it's because they want to keep the congregation clean, but Blondie do you think it's possible to keep a congregation clean? Many places of worship folks are there because not out of fear but because they like it there. Folks join & folks leave, but if you leave, maybe a member might reach out to you, maybe not..Going to other places of worship makes you accountable to God & yourself.

    I think the society feels many might be angry with them but they used the article to shove the anger onto God. But we know that God didn't speculate but they did.


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