That's what's wrong with you cofty -- you're so prosaic and matter-of-fact!
The governing body are so scared... so very, very scared. (see video)
by apocalypse 43 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Anony Mous
I have done the stage for the dubs for over a decade (2 and 3 day conventions in EU and US, special zone visits in Europe, both WT-owned and rented facilities ...) there is no such thing as a blast door or vehicles waiting for anyone. There is typically an entire sound system behind or to the side of the podium, it's mainly curtains and metal poles, lots of techies, a 'green room', a changing room. WT-owned buildings typically also have offices behind there, typically a private cafeteria, smaller and larger meeting rooms, money counting room and private offices.
In case of emergency or attack, there is indeed a plan, there are megaphones and people in charge for emergency plans, the people behind the stage and in those rooms typically have their own exit but that's mainly a requirement by fire departments.
That's what's wrong with you cofty -- you're so prosaic and matter-of-fact!
I know - if only I could learn to suspend disbelief ;)
Cofty says " Would it not be odd if they hid the podium behind the curtain?"
Does your brain even work? You do the same thing as Watchtower by using a straw-man argument. Nobody suggested that.
First, according to you, they need to put the podium as far back as possible. Good. Farther from speakers.
Then why did they put up a curtain up front, with the majority of the stage behind it, and force the podium towards the front?
You made my argument for me. My point was exactly that. The podium should be farther back, and the curtain farther still. There's lots of stage there.
I have never, ever ever seen a speaker standing with his back to a curtain, a curtain which doesn't need to be there.
Unless it is hiding something.
My whole point is, the curtain should not be there. What's behind the curtain Mr OZ...?
I am heading for the cover of silence. You folks with bare wires make narvous.
There is plenty to accuse the GB of without daft stories about blast doors and escape vehicles FFS
Agree with you cofty.
As someone who has lots of experience with sound systems and acoustics, I can say there ain't nothing - repeat: NOTHING - unusual about the "arrangement".
This thread follows the well-worn principle of, When the facts ain't quite enough, speculate, speculate, speculate.
paranoia agent
What is the point of this conversation? E-watchman is a bit of a looney tune himself and GB believe in their own lies along with all sorts of logical fallacies.
I remember back when the first suggestion came out that the Watchtower joined the United Nations. I wish I could post all the negative comments about that from Hourglass2.
The mere idea that it could have happend was derided to no end.
I did not join that group. I was open-minded, and had enough imagination that it could have happend.
I took it one step farther. I called the UN and spoke to Paul Hoeffel at length and persuaded him to produce the document that is shown in Crisis of Conscience, having scanned the original and emailed it to Ray myself. I went further and worked with my associate to gather all the evidence to prove it. Evidence you all take for granted today.
Today, everyone is like.. "Ya man, of course, we knew that",
...but before we got the proof ... well those of us who had immagination ...'we wore tinfoil hats'.
Now, how about evidence.
Click the link and see how deep the stage is at the Stanley. Look at the podium. Now go watch the video and explain why the g-boob is practically at the front with the curtain pulled up behind him.
Jackson has packed on the pounds since joining the GB. He was a lot smaller the last time I saw him face to face about 10 years ago.