I need help when answering proof of WT being only religion

by DS211 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    What was the subject before he asked the questions? Was he looking for a diversion, a subject he is more comfortable with?

    JWs do not want to talk about anything problematic, so if you let him sleaze his way out of every tricky topic, you'll never get him to confront anything worthwhile.

    And you don't have to answer all his questions. He is the one claiming to belong to a church that can save your sorry arse from his killer god, so make him answer your question (note: singular).


    2 CORINTHIANS 2:12-15

    Paul and the False Apostles
    12But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. 13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.…
  • FrenchFreeJW

    The strategy of the GB is clear :

    - 1) to make you believe that you are in a true love surrounding

    - 2) to isolate you from all non- believer, and especially to break all your family bonds (WT 15/8/13 p.7 "We must not let family ties overshadow Bible principles")

    - 3) to break your self confidence : you are a poor sinner that cannot be able to take right decisions by yourself.

    it just remains only one way : Let the GB choose for you.

    Stop thinking. What you must read or not, who you have to associate with, How to spend your money ("When we make contributions to support his work, we are merely giving to Jehovah what al-ready belongs to him"), how to use your time... Let 8 imperfect men, the only means of communications used by God, decide all these for you.

    Congratulation : you are brainwashed

    But if a small spark of reason continues to shine in your mind, you must think about this :

    if the ransom paid by the death of JC is for Adam's sin : who gave his soul for the sin of Eve ?

    how was it possible that TWO perfect humans, in perfect area, with all their need filled, with a perfect education, with a perfect mind, performed the only forbidden thing imposed upon them ?

    why a god able to kill just firstborn of Egypt (10th plague), did he used a flood, that killed all animals on earth ? Why did he make disappeared all hints of this planetary disaster ? Why punishing men for a situation in which angels are primarily responsible ?

    the weird love of god for humanity : Who is the most active serial killer in Bible ? Is there just one account in which satan personnaly killed humans ?

  • jhine

    I agree with the comment about each individual having love in their heart because we are told to love those that hate us not just those who think like we do , which is mostly the case for (active ) JWs .

    On how to answer the question about it being God's only organisation that depends how much you mind upsetting the person . If you are not bothered about their reaction just go for it , point out the false propecies , the blatant mis quoting in the literature , the adding of words to the Bible to suit them , the mistranslating of others for the same reason . Thre is plenty to say on the subject , it just depends on how tactful you need to be in your sutuation .


  • Zoos

    DS211: Is it possible that when given how to recognize followers of Christ the bible says They would have love amongst themselves? Could it be that it talked about each individual having love within them and not as a group of people?

    Just expanding on this thought...

    It would have been easier if Jesus gave some sort of clue that led specifically to the Watchtower organization. Instead, he used a quality that is genuinely felt and expressed by people of all religions, all walks of life.

    By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.

    People who display this quality are not hard to identify. They exist in every religious organization on earth, and at the Kingdom Halls too. So as a worldwide group of people who genuinely love each other, you cannot possibly coral them into one organization and point your finger at them and say, "There! Those people are the ones showing love!" Identifying people who show genuine love does not zero in on the WT organization.

    This plays in well with the scripture at Romans 2:15:

    They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused.

    Again, this is not a group of people you can point your finger at and identify. For this exercise, only God can look into their hearts and identify them.

    One more scripture at Revelation 7:9:

    After these things I saw, and, look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands.

    When you think about it, is there anything in the bible that points a finger at a single organization, a very isolationist organization at that?

  • DS211

    Outsmartthesystem--a little background. go to my posts and its the first thread ive started. You can comment there if you want or here either way.

    Black sheep--we were reading "keep yourselves in gods love" the chapter about birhdays and holidays.

  • DS211

    Zoos--right and all the stuff about christ being in us and thrspirit being in us...and paul stating that the mature spiritual man (or woman) is examined by no one. Because its in all of us. And you know the Bible dortnt say 7 billion will be destroyed. It says the wicked. Now correct me if i am wrong but, there is no scripture that ive read that alludes that only followers of one denominatio or religion will survive. Its true that it does say those calling on the name of Christ will be saved and the wicked perish. But there are a lot of wonderful people out there who dont believe in God the same way, or not at all. Where doesit say unbelieving one who do seek righteousness and good things will be destroyed. Let me know if youve found tha scripture cause i havent.


  • mrquik

    I have found this question starts a good discussion;" As you are willing to sacrifice not only your life but the lives of your family in the name of this religion, what hard proof do you have that this is exclusively the true religion?' All respones will be subjective. True love, unity & obedience. Point out that those are not exclusive; any religion can claim that. True love? How about the pedophile cases. Unity? Nazis had that. Obedience too. Mark of the true religion would be accurate prophesy. WBTS has had ZERO. Have fun with this.

  • DS211

    Thanks mr. Quik. Ive been on JWfacts looking at that very same thing about false prohecies. Theres some fantastic WT articles stating specifically about bein a prophet, calling itself a prophetlike org, comparing itself to Jeremiah, john, and other prophets. The thing is even if they didnt actually state "were prophets" the things are spoken in the name of Jehovah, as they are named "Jehovahs Witnesses". And to be led by the Holy Spirit (i.e Gods spirit-led org) is to be inspired. To give years, dates times, months etc. Even if they use words such as "most likely, evdently, etc" misleads and stumbles others. And has anyone looked up the definition of inspired?

    • : outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive of divineinspiration <gave an inspiredperforman


    1. aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence: an inspired poet.

    Is the Holy Spirit or holy spirit from GoD? Yessss.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Page 132 of the Reasoning Book defines false prophets as - "individuals and organizations 1) proclaiming messages that they attribute to a superhuman source but that 2) do not originate with the true God and 3) are not in harmony with his revealed will".

    By having to stop teaching or "revise" so many of Russell and Rutherford's teachings, the modern day governing body has proven that what Russell and Rutherford wrote and taught was false. If what they taught was true.....it would still be being taught today, no? Those two individuals 1) attributed their messages to a superhuman source – God, 2) their messages (such as armageddon happening in 1914 or the faithful men of old being resurrected in 1925) did NOT come true. And if they did not come true, then they did not originate with God, and 3) the messages discussed could not have been in harmony with God's revealed will if they did not come true. Is it possible for a prediction that did not come true to be in harmony with God's will?

    According to their own definition in the Reasoning Book,these men falsely prophesied…..yet the society today will not admit that. They prefer to use verbal gymnastics to try to explain the problem away much like politicians do.

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