Picked this up on JWN a while back
Was Jerusalem destroyed in 607 BCE or 587 BCE?
"There are only 5 Babylonian kings to deal with. It isn't hard. You don't need to bother with VAT 4956, Josephus, Ptolemy, Anstey, Bullinger, etc. etc. Just go by the actual kings, whose names and regnal lengths are known from tens of thousands of cuneiform tablets from many different towns and villages all over southern Mesopotamia. It is so simple a child could do it. Starting with Nabonidus, the last Babylonian king, and working backward.
Babylon falls to Cyrus the Persia -- 539 BCE (Date accepted by WT CD ROM 2001)
Nabonidus -- 17 years (WT agrees) For long periods he entrusted rule to his son, Prince Belshazzar
Labashi-Marduk -- 3 months (WT says less than 9 months)
Neriglissar -- 4 years (WT in agreement)
Evil-Merodach -- 2 years (WT in agreement
Nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years (In the 19th year of his reign he destroyed Jerusalem)
WT 1965 1/1 p. 29 The Rejoicing of the Wicked Is Short-lived Evil-merodach reigned two years and was murdered by his brother-in-law Neriglissar, who reigned for four years, which time he spent mainly in building operations. His underage sonLabashi-Marduk, a vicious boy, succeeded him, and was assassinated within nine months. Nabonidus, who had served as governor of Babylon and who had been Nebuchadnezzar’s favorite son-in-law, took the throne and had a fairly glorious reign until Babylon fell in 539 B.C.E.
So let's count backwards using these kings reigns:
Nabonidus -- 17 years
17 = 539 BCE
16 = 540
15 = 541
14 = 542
13 = 543
12 = 544
11 = 545
10 = 546
9 = 547
8 = 548
7 = 549
6 = 550
5 = 551
4 = 552
3 = 553
2 = 554
1 = 555
0 = accession year = 556
Labashi-Marduk -- less than a year 3 months in 556
Neriglissar -- 4 years
4 = 556
3 = 557
2 = 558
1 = 559
0 = accession year = 560
Evil-Merodach -- 2 years
2 = 560
1 = 561
0 = accession year = 562
Nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years
43 = 562 BCE
42 = 563
41 = 564
40 = 565
39 = 566
38 = 567
37 = 568
36 = 569
35 = 570
34 = 571
33 = 572
32 = 573
31 = 574
30 = 575
29 = 576
28 = 577
27 = 578
26 = 579
25 = 580
24 = 581
23 = 582
22 = 583
21 = 584
20 = 585
19 = 586
18 = 587And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which is the nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, unto Jerusalem: And he burnt the house of the LORD, and the king's house, and all the houses of Jerusalem, and every great man's house burnt he with fire. 2Ki 25:8 ,9
So Jerusalem was destroyed in 586/587 BCE by Nebuchadnezzar.