
by LucidChimp 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • LucidChimp

    'Sup folks.

    I've been lurking here for a year or two now (since I stumbled across TTATT and was stumbled by it), I even started an account some while back and asked a couple of questions.
    But I never actually stood up and said hi... So hi, my name's Jon and I'm a Dubaholic.

    I was "born in" in the 80s - and grew up on a liquid diet of cheap suits and Revelation book pictures (I mean really, group after group just staring at the pictures while not listening, I must have spent more time staring at those pictures than I have any work of art in my life, literally hours at each lurid picture). I "left" in my teens, but apparently lacking any kind of actual sense, returned to studying with a childhood friend from the congregation in my twenties (although I was never baptised, my entire small family were dubs, so I saw more witnesses than "worldly people" on a regular basis.. they love bombed my arse for years!).

    Over those years away I remained convinced somewhere in the back of my mind that pretty soon I'd be decomposing merrily while my family frolicked with the fluffylovelycuddly apex predators because jehovah had finally remembered to kill me and everyone else. Had I had an accident during those years and needed a blood transfusion I would have refused (secretly hi-fiving myself for getting in while I died - just like dying the day before armageddon = "Haha god, screw you I read the mudachuffin' smallprint!" I mean, "praise your mercy and stuff").

    I studied for a few years with my friend and then with a family member, and then stopped studying because I was troubled by the contradiction I discovered in the gospels I was so avidly comparing (Matt says he was speared before he died John says it was after death... Unless they're both true and he got jukked up twice I guess).

    Only then did I creep about online, like a teenager looking for porn, reading what "the world" has to say about the bible... Mind = Blown.

    Ta guys and girls, I owe you one.

    (Also, love that my picture is some kind of demonic christmas tree... but so happified. Oh, the ironic subtext.)

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hi LucidChimp!

    I like the way you put together a sentence. No, I take it back. I like the entire story!!

    Welcome to Thunderdome!!!

  • notjustyet

    Hey Lucidchimp,..


    Have you been able to come across jwfacts.com yet?

    It helped me a lot.


  • jgnat

    Great intro. Soooooo...what's the plans for the rest of your life?

  • LucidChimp

    Spanks for the welcome peeps. (And yup, first time I went on jwfacts I came across the U.N. stuff, I had trouble believing it was possible.. just seems so stupid. But yeah, I've done a heap of reading in the last year or so, makes my previous attempts at study look halfhearted!)

  • LucidChimp

    Wow... remember when you were a kid and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up?

    All the other kids would be all like "imma be king" or "imma go to the moon" and I'd stand there collecting sweat as cold as ice in my palms, hoping they didn't get round to asking me... I just had one of those moments (ta for the epic flashback, made me feel like a kid again).

    No life plans in the works, but I'm chipping away at family members (with varying responses) and for the time being my main focus has been reading and learning ttatt... As I said, I'm a Dubaholic.

  • 3rdgen

    Welcome Lucidchimp! Congrats on seeing through the "love bombing' and not getting baptised. You are entering the best years of your life free from the stranglehold of the Watchtower.It looks as though you have your family too. Woo hoo

  • Apognophos

    Welcome! I too realized TTATT fairly recently (shortly before I joined JWN), and I haven't figured what I want to do with my life either. But I think it's good for an exiting Witness to just take some time to educate himself and sort of start over, find himself, and acclimate to the real world. No need to rush into a new career when there's so much to learn. I'm actually excited about finally understanding evolutionary science, Biblical scholarship, etc. So much stuff I just had no clue about.

  • krejames

    Loved the intro. Welcome :)

  • konceptual99

    Good to have you on board. With prose like that I suspect you are in the UK. There are alot of us about here...

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