Possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Well an Elder told me why all the new revised NWT bibles are grey/gray in color
by StoneWall 30 Replies latest jw friends
An often used sword would have some blood on it. He is mistaken.
Gray is not silver.
JWs like to think they are so clever with little inside jokes like this. But in reality they are just proving how sofa king stupid they really are.
Grey Huh?...
The dullest color out there. Of course they chose this. Sorta like, " Don't judge a book by its cover."
How can you NOT with the lies that are so spread throughout it!
And who really gives a " rats ass" what color it is. Its not supposed to be about anything except " truth" and who it REALLY IS!!!!
The focus as always in on what " is written" and the " color" instead of on Jah and CHRIST!
Jonh 5:39-41
" you keep searching the scriptures ( through a grey bible) thinking you are going to find life, and it is the scriptures that keep pointing to me (CHRIST) and yet you do not come to ME so as to get life."
They never get it!!!!
Love to you all
The scriptures are supposed to be the pure crystal clear waters of life. In a household there are various uses of water, one is to flush excrement out of site. Then there are systems for eliminating ******GREY***** water. That is. water that flows from the kitchen sink and bathtubs etc. So New World Translation committee polluters have muddied the waters, just like Ezechial says in chapter thirty four Here I am judging between a sheep and a sheep.....Is it such a little thing for you men that on the very best pasturages you should trample down with your feet and the clear waters you drink but the ones left over you should foul by stamping with your very feet."
I have to think that in about 2 or 3 years, most of these Bibles are going to have smudges, smears, & stains all over them.
Just think of Sister Bertha Pioneer scarfing bags of potato chips, then touching the magazines with greasy fingers, then touching her Bible. The ink from the mags will rub off and she'll have nice, permanent black fingerprints all over the cover of her light gray Bible.
Then again, maybe that's the idea - with easily stained covers, they'll have to be replaced every few years - more donations.
When you're waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting (x 100) for the end to come and it still doesn't f*ing come, dreaming up reasons for the choice of book covers can be immensely distracting from facing up to how much one's life has been wasted waiting - and for those sorry souls who are bored witless out of their brains waiting, distractions can even be captivating. Anything to relieve the tedium...
Faithful Witness
It could actually be a hypnotic suggestion, and I could see them using it effectively.
Relax. Jehovah. Truth. Gilded pages. Silver. Relax. Give. Sacrifice. United under Jehovah. We are one. Relax.
So that's how you keep the congregation "clean". Every time the silver sword gets blood on it, you clean it off with disinfected wipes. As good as new!