New Homo erectus Skull Shakes up Palaeontology

by cofty 192 Replies latest social current

  • jgnat

    Jack Horner similarly contests that various dinosaurs identified as separate species are the same dinosaur at different stages of maturity.

  • smiddy

    Science, as pointed out above, is about discovering new facts. This isn't a new version of a myth, its a better understanding of the real world.

    So very true JeffT.

    "New Light" that shines out of the WatchTower doesnt elaborate on an old understanding of scripture , it comes up with a completely different interpretation altogether , something that C.T.Russell even objected to.


  • fakesmile

    i can solve the mystery of evolution in one sentance... never underestimate a mans likleyhood of putting his willie where it doesnt belong. example... i recently heard that a sheep can carry a human fetus for several weeks. i do not care who or when that fact was confirmed. and i dont even want to think about the origin of the platypus. INTELLIGENCE? i think not.

  • LisaRose

    The difference between science and religion is that when creationist discover evidence that contradicts their thinking they dismiss it because they think it can't be true. Science, on the other hand will challenge new evidence, evaluate it in its own right, and if the evidence is strong enough, will evaluate and challenge prior theories in light of this new evidence, and discard theories that are shown to be untrue. This new evidence doesn't invalidate evolution, it just fills in the details a bit better.

    Meanwhile, the creationists still believe the bible account is literal, and there is no evidence in the world that would convince them otherwise.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Platypuses are brilliant, finely tuned animals! Don't dis them just cuz they look weird.

  • AbaDaddy


    " i can solve the mystery of evolution in one sentance... never underestimate a mans likleyhood of putting his willie where it doesnt belong. example... i recently heard that a sheep can carry a human fetus for several weeks. i do not care who or when that fact was confirmed. and i dont even want to think about the origin of the platypus. INTELLIGENCE? i think not."

    Very good. Your Nobel Prize awaits. :-)

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I was just reading an article in the local paper about this discovery, on my break about an hour ago. Very fascinating.

  • sir82

    so let me get this straight.

    Watchtower "new light" = baaaaaaaaaad

    Mormon "new light = baaaaaaaaaaad

    Scientific "new light" = gooooooood

    I'll leave the discusion of the stupidity of applying the term "new light" to scientific discoveries to someone else...

    Here's a difference you may be able to understand:

    If A JW refuses to accept "new light", he is (in effect) told that Jesus Christ will slaughter him "soon" and until that day comes, his family is forbidden to even greet him under threat of the same punishment.

    What is the penalty for refusing to accept scientific "new light"? Aside from advertising you insipidity for all the world to see, and the resulting mockery on internet discussion boards, that is....


    I am not sure what it means to say that we come from non-humans. IF we evolved from an earlier form of H. Erectus, why wasn't it human? Why wasn't it's earlier form human? After you go back so far, what does it matter? If we are arguing speciation, that is another matter. We can't prove or disprove whether or not our anscestors were "human" because they are gone, and we can't try to procreate with them and fail, thereby proving speciation occured. We can guess, but we can't know for sure.

    When thinking about things from a philosophical perspective, what really makes us human? Why wasn't a H. Erectus human? I really love saying Homo Erectus by the way, is that wrong?

  • cofty

    Labels are fuzzy but it would be very difficult to relate to H erectus as a fellow human. It had a very small brain size and probably limited communication skills.

    Going further back our early mammal ancestor looked like a little furry rodent hiding in the undergrowth and coming out at night to escape the attentions of dinosaurs. Further back still our ancestor looked like a lobe-finned fish.

    Humans in the sense of hominids that walked upright with large complex brains and advanced language skills have been around for about 200 000 years give or take a few millennia.

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