4 Letters from the Branch read tonight, no warning from this site

by James Jackson 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nebeska Nada
    Nebeska Nada

    Details about letter #3 is this:

    Announcement about letter to all congregations regarding the use of tablets and mobile devices

    Please remove from the congregation file the letter to all bodies of elders dated October 4, 2013, regarding the use of electronic tablets and mobile phones at the meetings. This letter should be destroyed because new information will be provided soon.

  • jookbeard

    candy crush clubs after the meetings?

  • jookbeard

    Divine Plan of the Ages is no longer "new light?"

    the "reilgion is a snare and a raquet" campaign to be dropped?

    our prayers for our brothers in Biafra after war has broken out?

  • WinstonSmith

    Thanks Nebeska Nada!

    I wonder if they are going to finally allow them to be used on the platform?

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    Big push on using mobile devices, at the meetings and in the field. We had a demo on how to use it when you meet a person who speaks a foreign language.

    Also, Brothers giving various talks, can use these devises while giving parts on the platform.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    I was refering to the actual "Branch Letters" to read, not to second hand information "Stonewall".

  • BluePill2

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    The GB is creating a new app called "The End is always near", the iArmageddon" The end time will be set to an arbitrary date and the clock will be running all the time as an background application, but you will be able to see the days, hours and minutes left to the big A. As part of our loving provision this app will reset itself once the final date is reached and we are still here. Then an update will be provided, downloadable through JW.ORG.

    Please start using this loving reminder from Jehober, as we cannot be reminded often enough that the celestial Kentucky Fried chicken feast is almost here.

    Warm, loving and Wet,

    GB 2.0

  • Rattigan350

    They read those letters last night.

    What I was amazed at was that it said that the governing body would not set rules against the used of tablets on the platform and elders should not, as if they expect elders to set rules and they were heading them off.

  • krejames

    Haven't there been KM articles in the last about NOT using them? Or did I just imagine it all?

  • Comatose

    Yeah I was told two hears ago when I still went to meetings you could use a tablet but not on stage. Because what if it quit? Where would you be then without precious paper?

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