I don't want to alarm anybody but the i have heard that the watchtower legal team has made threat to have various websites shut down for leaking important documents out to the public and to its various members of the Christian congregation. Has anyone else heard this?
Watchtower Legal Team Makes Threats
by Brother Mike 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't want to alarm anybody but the i have heard that the watchtower legal team has made threat to have various websites shut down for leaking important documents out to the public and to its various members of the Christian congregation. Has anyone else heard this?
Sounds like pretty routine stuff (assuming their letters and communications are protected under intellectual property (IP) laws).
In fact, it's their legal RIGHT to do so, since they're exercising their COPY RIGHT (the right to determine who gets allowed to make copies), just like any other COPY RIGHT holder in the US does.
In fact, JWs are no different from any other copyright owner in that if they DON'T do so, they risk invalidating their IP rights forever (defendents need to produce proof that they failed to protect it, and the wotk goes into the public domain). No one, not Disney, NBC/Universal, or JWs, spends $$$ to protect their IP in order to let it waste away by failing to protect it.
Disney and NBC need to make a profit, the Watchtower Society is supposed to be a charity.
This is what pisses me off. All the tax this giant money making corporation does not pay because it is apparently running a charity for public benefit.
Disney and NBC need to make a profit, the Watchtower Society is supposed to be a charity.
Doesn't really matter: they spend $$$ protecting their interests, and they have a legal department who's not paid to surf the internet.
This is what pisses me off. All the tax this giant money making corporation does not pay because it is apparently running a charity for public benefit.
Don't get me started on the tax shelters given to religion, especially with a looming Fed debt...
Yan Bibiyan
Don't know specifics, but seems to me if there isn't a standing DMCA violation, their barking is worthless. In other words, if no copywritten material is present at certain site, past alleged infractions are just that - past alleged infractions and don't fall under the DMCA reach.
Brother Mike
Let's make clear that the JW legal team arent actual JWs. They have very expensive lawyers.
From my internal and external Bethel sources in general concept (on both sides of the Atlantic), not specific to this case, anything of that nature of implied Bethel protest is meant to stir up more publicity for the "leaks" which purposely come from the Bethel sources (not my particular contacts). They are not really interested in shutting down a site, just calling attention to the information which pops up later at many locations. Meaning the want the information to go out in a heightened manner of curiosity and interest. Meaning that part of the internal to external Bethel operation is the one that creates the various "leaks" and evidence of lawlessness, etc, for contrary purposes with regular scheduling, and everything else is just to assume the psycholigical 'path of least resistance' for people in general to naturally think along a different assumption which you see, is plainly obvious in cases of this nature.
Atleast that is what I hear according to certain projects of this nature. I hear it is also an effective technique. Another example was breaking a decade of links to the former wt web, to simply dump off now to the jworg homepage, with no connection to the articles formerly linked to, to cut off the residual traffic directed to the former information, which by percentages killed the former web ministry some JWs were involved in since the 2nd web rendition of that time. That problem probably will not be "fixed", it will "die in committee", the issue has been made known, as have others to also "die in committee", and you know what committee I mean.
But of course do not instantly believe everything you hear, and especially do not just accpet your first reaction concerning the obvious Bethel operation of engineered duplicity, and obvious work of people not actually "Christian" in origin - think outside the box, and outside the box the box is in; and so on.
Remember, people are very easy to mislead and influence by the first reaction and apparent "reason" arrived at, and never is anything else considered beyond that "box" of reasoning. That is the objective. The dead end, or the wrong route of "awareness".
I have no idea what you just said. Boxes within boxes within....
Brother Mike, there are JW attorneys too.
Cool, JW attorneys. That's an oxymoron!