DubYap - What is it ?

by EdenOne 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Other new additions to our JWN family may appreciate this: apostate dictionary by poster Rebel8.

  • bigmac

    dubdumb. the closed religious world belonging to JW's--

    kinda like



    Sorry, Dudbear is a really, really, nerdy thing to know about. I bet SD-7 knows what it is. Yes, EdenOne, there is a special language. The more you know TTATT, the more difficult it is to listen to dubyap. Much like the fictional Dudbear language, an entire conversation can take place and contain almost zero subtance .

    Dubyap is an emotional language, with very little critical or independent thought allowed. I do not consider myself a spiritual adult by any means, but I have left the WTBTS baby formula behind. So having to listen to dubyap is like being an older child, ready for adult conversation, but being forced to sit at the kiddie table. The kids are cute, and funny, but you need more. So I guess we now have the "Conscious class" and the " Dubyappers."

    More dublap:

    " wait on jehovah "

    " Progressive truth "

    " new truths "

    " independent spirit "

    I would love to give a nice "dubslap" to a few JBubu. ( Dubslap: A blindingly swift strike to the face of one of Jehovah's Witnesses. The dubslap is used to break through the almost indestructible layer of mental permafrost in the minds of JW. Related to pimpslap, and bitchslap.)


  • EdenOne

    "spiritual feast" = any meeting that takes longer than 2 hours

    "the three enemies" = Satan, the flesh, the world

    "system of things" = the world outside the Jehovah's Witnesses ecossystem

    "the anointed remnant" = those last few remaining members of the anointed 144.000.

    "the Slave" = An abreviation of the "Faithful and Discrete Slave", previously all anointed as a group, now onlythe members of the Governing Body.

    "spiritual food" = any publication or public talk originated from the Watchtower Society and its Governing Body.


  • Fernando

    DubZap - the horror stricken deer-in-the-headlights cognitive dissonance look in a Dub's eyes when asked a simple question that gets the Dub thinking and realising something does not add up

  • kurtbethel

    Pretty much synonymous with DubSpeak.

  • anonymouz

    DubYap also includes purposeful dual meanings. For example "faithful slave" is "faithful slave" to DubYappers but Bethel's version of "the slave" is "evil slave" to some xDubYappers improvised lingo.

  • WinstonSmith

    Surely 'happifying' has to be in there...

    Along with 'evidently'....

  • RayPublisher

    Small correction IMHO:

    The Truth book was called "The Blue Bombshell" by some Dubbs back in the late 1960s-early and mid 1970s.

  • LisaRose

    I was in from 1975 until 1999, My family originally studied out of it. I never heard the term "blue bomb". Maybe it was a regional thing? I only ever heard it revered to as the "truth book"

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