I have never understood how they know Jesus returned. What is the evidence they use?

by Faithful Witness 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Its forgone conclusion that the WTS. and it's editorial leaders created commercially appealing doctrines to sell and proliferated their published goods.

    They were and still are a inherently corrupt organization of religious charlatans.

    They use coercive and manipulative tactics to draw attention to themselves and then these interested ones are further exploited to continue

    on in this decisive and manipulative self marketing scheme by a publishing house at its operating core.

    When it comes down to it, its really all about money and power created by religious illusion.

  • villagegirl

    The Plan of the Ages a Seven Day Adventist chart used

    by Charles Taze Russell in his book: The Divine Plan of the Ages

    ( available on Amazon ) 19th century Adventists

    all rejected "organized religion" had tent meetings,

    rejected orthodox doctrines like Hell-Fire and the Trinity and Holidays,

    Russel attended their meetings, and simply borrowed their theology

    and added his own fascination with Egyptology and Pyramids,

    leading him to make calculations from measured distances in the

    Great Pryamid at Gaza and adopt dates from the religious wizards

    of his time. He is buried under a Pyramid with an eye of Isis on it

    and His books have the Wings of Isis on the front covers,

    anyone whjo was a witness in the 1950's and 40's has

    seen or owns these books. Today you would identify this as

    the Occult, the basis of the Watchtower Society rests in the occult.

  • Oubliette

    Who needs evidence when you have belief?

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    They do not know if Jesus is coming or going !

    I go but I be back soon !

    The World would improve if everybody just got on trying to make the World a better place instead of waiting for a Messiah to show up

  • BackseatDevil

    To answer your question: No, no one can help you with that. The reason is because 1914 was a very different pivitol date BEFORE 1914 than it was AFTER 1914. Any significance put on that year is retro-actively applied using three common proppaganda techniques: Ad nauseam, appeal to authority, and appeal to fear.

    The situation presented is this: If Jesus has not returned, then there is nothing to separate the Witnesses from the other religions. One could sin and repent, and still be saved. Others could be continuous sinners but upon the arrival of Christ, repent and be saved. There is nothing that holds anyone to the strict adherence of the WTBTS.

    So you see the problem.

    However, if a religion were to put the return of Christ as already happened, then that means Jesus is on his throne... judging NOW. This now becomes something to keep people in line perpetually. With constant repetition (ad nauseam) we have Christ on his throne now (appeal to authority), and with his constant watchful eye comes either eternal life or everlasting cutting off (appeal to fear).

    Problem solved.

    RELATED: Previously, Jesus had taken the throne 1878... light that was presented... AFTER 1878.

    That's all you really need to know about the subject. The fall of Jeruselum, dates, and basic archiological studies do not support the mathmatical acrobatics JWs use for the date of 1914. The importance of it isn't biblical... it's sociological.

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    I've been doing some more reading about the cult and 1914....I came across the name John A Brown while doing some research and realized that he was was the first to possibly use the 2,520-year calculation, which the JW's/Russell take credit for.

    Kool Jo

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Apart from their 2520 years chronology from 607BC to 1914, they also cite the so-called 'composite sign' (world wars from 1914, famine, plague, etc) of his invisible presence as proof, and they also assert that their very existence and growth as an organisation preaching the 'good news of the kingdom' worldwide is proof.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    No offense, but none of your explanations make any sense. Haha. I think my best option here, is to go to my dad. He seems to actually believe this is the One True Religion. I asked my mom about this, but she just shrugs her shoulders. She is going along with it all, but clearly has doubts.

    Thank you Phizzy:

    Make your JW show you how it is arrived at, don't interrupt during the explanation, just take notes. Then come back here to us and we will shred it. Or if you are happy to do so, tear it apart yourself.

    It is simply not good enough for them to expect you to take stuff "on faith" when they have given you noreason to have faith in anything they say.

    Make him prove it.

    I'm going to wait a couple of weeks, since they are at yet another assembly this weekend. My mom is coming for a two day visit next weekend, and I'm not going to rob my kids of a rare time with Grandma. I think she might come as her old self! I'm not going to make any waves until this visit is past.

  • LucidChimp

    I remember being told "every eye did 'see' him, they just didn't understand what they were seeing"

    You see?

  • nonjwspouse


    I hate to correct you, but that is a chart from Second Day adventist ( largly gone from todays religions groups) , not Seventh day

    The Seventh Day Adventist do believe in the trinity for example.

    Sorry, I just had to correct that because it is such a frequent mistake made by so many people.

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