No wonder they have a very high turnover of dis-satisfied members , a high number of suicides compared to mainstream religions , a high number of phsychological disorders among members .
TOTALITARIANISM is something we normally associate with political regimes , communism , fascism ,etc.etc.
It should also apply to reigions that have "high control "strategys , that keep the members cocooned in their beleif system.
Discouraging members from getting information outside their control. as though information is wrong . You should be able ,using your God given brain to decide whether information you receive is beneficial or not . Not to be dictated too by a group of old men in america. Dictating how they should dress , at conventions , what clothes they should wear at conventions while sightseeing as a tourist/convention visitor
Repetition , repetition , repetition , of questions AND answers supplied by the society of meetings , pre-study of meetings , personal bible study using the societys publications , the discouragement of higher education for young ones , the discouragement of socialising with people who are not jehovahs witnesses , the pressure to do door to door witnessing with a minimum hour goal , and pre-study for that as well , and the encouragement to get baptised at a young age so we can have more control over you, for once you are baptised we can blackmail you to be submissive to our demands ,or be shunned by your own family members, as well as freinds you have made , the choice is yours.
Do you want to take control of your own life ?
Or do you want your life to be controlled by a group of men in the USA !