Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)

by slimboyfat 406 Replies latest jw friends

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Good luck Slim. I hope this is a joke. But if not, I kind of understand - kind of.

    Follow your gut. JWN will always be here to welcome you back. You can have more faith in that than in the big “A” Jehovah is supposed to bring about.

    I hope you find what you need to enjoy your life to the fullest. Good luck.

  • Sittingstraight1212

    its hard to fathom being on here and returning to vomit?i really hope you can wake up...

  • BizzyBee

    Clearly, there are reasons one might return to the WTS even after learning 'the truth about the Truth' and many of them have nothing to do with a resurrection of one's belief in the WTS. (As has been illustrated so eloquently here, it's pretty hard to go back to eating at a restaurant where you have proof that the staff spits in the food.)

    Most common of reasons, of course, is family pressure and I've always thought that is totally understandable and a wholy legitimate reason.

    Another reason might be a need for the effortless, automatic social acceptance provided by association with the JWs. I can't understand this in any other context than a failure to create a new social milieu for oneself upon exiting the JWs - nature abhors a vacuum. (Many possible reasons for this failure - insecurity, laziness, ignorance, lack of resourcefulness.)

    Our friend SBF is in one of these predicaments, maybe both.

  • rebel8

    I worry this is not a joke.

    I feel great upset over this announcement. Terrible news.

  • snare&racket

    Was just thinking, poor guy has to sit through hours of b.s. But now having had the curtain open 8 years and eyeing Oz in the face, the meetings and religious work (talks, answers, doors) will just appear so shallow and synthetic. I went to a couple of meetings having had TTAT made evident by research, but I tried to go back and see how I felt. It just didn't work anymore, the placebo was known walking through the door of the KH and you can't un-know what you have learned. Its like being forced to watch a magic show for several hours every week when you know exactly how every trick works ..... Once the 'welcome back' and hugging dissipates, its just you, a chair and a boring old fart peddaling b.s. that doesnt even make sense to him....sigh

    The JW's have nothing to offer once you know none of it is true, or even if you start using your own mind to think for yourself. The feeling is awful, I remember realising "oh... I don't belong here anymore..." I then thought of all the people in the cong that are always there but never get involved, somewhat distant even if they attend and do the basics. I now realised, these people ALSO know it is b.s. But have to keep going for reasons of their own needs or others.....

    poor SBF

  • BizzyBee


    You nailed it.

    But again, I would say that, for some, there are compelling reasons to put oneself through this weird deja vu/insincere/superemely boring exercise.

    Almost beyond imagining.

  • jwfacts

    Snare - I went to a couple of meetings having had TTAT made evident by research, but I tried to go back and see how I felt. It just didn't work anymore, the placebo was known walking through the door of the KH and you can't un-know what you have learned.

    Exactly. SBF's ideas were too extremely philosophical to even accept basic reality that most JWs and exJWs accept. He could never sit through a meeting without wishing his life would end, or mocking every speaker.

  • Twitch

    I'm not always surprised when I read threads about someone returning to dub land. In this case, I am to some degree. As mentioned, there are other factors that contribute to one's deciding to return and such could be more compelling for some such as FatBoySlim, er, you know. Still, SBF returning is a surprise, if for no other reason than I having the opinion that his zen contrarian approach would conflict with the delivery and content of dub propaganda.

    And the beat goes on...

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    NewYork44m: 'I have a minor problem with announcing your departure.'

    I agree.....just go!

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis


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