I never took the guy seriously, anyway.
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat 406 Replies latest jw friends
It's a little known fact that William J Schnell tried very hard to return,
TD could you expand on this thought... where you may have come across it , etc .
Is there a reference in the archives so as not to go off topic ?
It's a little known fact that William J Schnell tried very hard to return, so stranger things have actually happened.
An off topic but intriguing piece of information. I've also heard this but remain sceptical about whether this happened.
All sorts of urban myths are told about people's so-called "death-bed reversions" to their earlier religious beliefs. For example, some fundamentalist churches have long taught that Charles Darwin converted to Christianity before he breathed his last. So common are these sorts of stories that when well-known atheist Christopher Hitchens announced he was close to his own death, he wanted it on record that if anyone subsequently claimed he (Hitchens) had made a last minute conversion to Christianity it was a bold-faced lie which he also stated would sit well with Christianity's own lies .
Would you call someone on the phone to tell them you are no longer talking to them, no matter what the reason? Most would simply no longer speak to them. Why announce this will be your last post? Just walk away as we are all here by free choice and will.
IMHO attention is what this screams, and it has no doubt been successful.
TD could you expand on this thought... where you may have come across it , etc .
My source for this is on the other side of the 'iron curtain,' so to speak. Letters were actually written and are on file. There's not much more I can say without breaking a confidence, so people can mentally file this factoid away in whatever slot they wish.
At any rate, I do wish SBF nothing but good things.
I knew a brother from Pennsylvania who had known Schnell personally and he never mentioned anything about him wanting to return, so I would also be interested to know more details if possible
Yes, to phone someone to say you will no longer speak to them is daft. However, to advise others in writing on an internet forum you are leaving appears to be a minimal courtesy. When you look at the way some posters have made known their departures, SBF's was not a grand exit but rather low-key. If I had not been on the board a few days, I may even have missed it altogether.
SBF did not strike me as given to attention seeking.
I did not always agree with his point of view - yes, the pro-organization stance seeped through from time to time - but he often wrote thoughtful pieces and made sharp but never gratuitous observations about posters. Wherever he goes, he'll be the same young man - but perhaps in a much more restrained way (congregations do not welcome feedback no matter how considered it may be!).
Like a lot of us here, it matters to him how he is regarded by others.
TD said-
At any rate, I do wish SBF nothing but good things.
As do I....
(Pretty ironic, when you about it, since SBF supposedly is praying for God's will to be done on Earth, which would include for all of US to die on cue in Armageddon! So who's actually "turning the other cheek" here? Us "evil apostates", or the JWs?)
I'd like to think that SBF has better things to do than to pray for our destruction. 8 years on an apostate website is a lot to feel guilty for if you're still hooked into the organization.
The way the guilty conscience works, we're probably the last thing on SBF's "prayer list" - if he has one. If he does, who knows he may be praying that we see the error of our ways and join with him in returning to our congregations? I could think of worse things to pray for.
i think sometimes a person has to write something like the opening post to try to convince themselves that they are making a good choice, even thou they know its not what they want it to be. each of us has to make a choice in life based upon information and our goals and what really important to us. slim i hope what ever your reasons for what ever your doing ,that it is that ur choice and not pressure from an outside influance.