Happy Birthday!
Edit: Opps, been said already
OK...then, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"
by The Quiet One 81 Replies latest jw experiences
Happy Birthday!
Edit: Opps, been said already
OK...then, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"
"Oh my gosh", "darn", "shoot", or other euphemisms. Because we all know what the euphemism means, don't we? Never mind that that's what euphemisms were invented for, so you could say something in a way that wouldn't disturb anyone. Never mind that when people don't know what the euphemism means anymore, it's okay, like "gadzooks" or "zounds", which were highly blasphemous at one time.
As a JW you are noT allowed to say "I swear to you" ("je te jure" in french).
Also do noT dare say "to be an elder or a ministerial servant is a complète waste of time"...just did it yesterday to he wife, she got in shock!!!
Same thing with "I hâte preaching and fieldservice, it's useless, makes me feel just like being a salesman"...
"Jesus is Lord!". Ever heard a JW say what Paul and the other NT writers said numerous times? In fact, Paul taught that saying that is a requirement for salvation, yet I never heard a JW simply say "Jesus is my Lord" or similar. The only time I heard anything close to it was as a perfunctory statement at the end of a group prayer.
It's an alien notion to them, even a bit creepy to contemplate saying it, as if it might invite the demons in and risk you becoming like one of those nutty born-again types.
Gosh my big, worldy mouth got me in a lot of trouble, like when I'd say "bloody" or something. Got in trouble by a sis for once saying "what the?" Yep, not What the f*** because I didn't even know that. "What the?" Was even short for that.
Others: "wish", "I swear!" "Bugger!" "Go to hell", "all your Christmases come at once.." goodness I could go on.
Julia, you have got a potty-mouth LOL
All normal conversation for us now, and it was when I was growing up, in non-JW settings. I had a mate who used to kid me that I had accidently sworn in front of some JW's, he would cleverly insert an f-bomb or something in to something I had actually said, and then say "of course, they all ignored it".
I had to think back really hard, 'coz it sure was possible.
Another funny one was when I was dropping off a young guy at his home, and in the car was an oh- so- pure Pioneer, we were a bit late, and the young guy said "I expect I'll get a bollocking from my Dad now" . The Piosneer said "A what?" , so the young feller re-phrased it quick, but the really funny thing was , I don't think Sister Purity had any idea what "bollock" meant, and I don't think she ever got to see one, she is still unmarried.
I was told that I shouldn't wear anything that had stars or moon on it. why? because it would look like i was supporting the zodiac signs.
...to Christ, when He offers you his flesh and his blood, so that you may have life in you.
"Cheers" as you touch glasses.
and you better not mention Harry Potter.....or that you read the series and loved it....
and the "human being" one is just so stoopid. While you are alive you are a being. You are a mortal being. You are human. You ARE a human being. you are not a rhinoceros being or a nekton being or a pinniped being. you are homo sapiens.....a member of the human race BEING alive!