I wonder about why so many of us stick to the "truth" within the frame of the Jehovah's Witness religion.
Of course, the WTS has authority over our minds thru the control of information, demonizing any "worldly" knowledge that might jeopardize our faith in this entity.
Thru my own experience, I understand how we can stick to this Organization; because of a life's investment in serving, and the close ties of family and peers we do not wish to abandon or upset. So we are here on sites like these, to understand the mechanisms of the cult… to try to make sense of why we should stay, or why we should leave.
The consequences are too important to take this lightly, or too swiftly.
If I may share a bit of my journey, I did not have to worry too much about the cult at first, because my main battle was based deeper than that. After all, the root of any christian religion is in the Bible itself; faith in Jehovah and Christ; trust in the idea that the Bible is inspired by God himself.
So yes, my quest went to the base, the root of the JW faith… the Bible.
Since childhood, the character of Jehovah was a problem for me. The "God of Love" was capable of the most violent and cruel actions deemed to be "perfect justice" — unquestionable — too high to be understood by us mortal sinners.
And this always bothered me.
Why was I expected to have a double standard of understanding when it came to Jehovah? What logic was there that genocide, homophobia, jealousy, slavery, vengeance (to name a few) was ever acceptable?
Since I was 12, the story of Elisha and the 42 kids mauled to death for teasing him horrified me. That wasn't justice. The punishment did not fit the crime (if teasing was a crime)! To this day, the story still angers me. (2 kings 2:23-25).
The Bible is filled with horrors like this, from a "loving" god that prides himself to be jealous and vengeful (sic).
I won't go into more detail (I could go on a whole book's worth), but this is why leaving the JWs was not the biggest problem (although it was still a problem). By the time I clicked on my first "apostate" site, I was already on way to being an atheist.
Somewhere in between, I read enough on evolution to realize that the Borg has fed us with dishonest quote-mining and blatant lies on the subject. Reading it from the horse's mouth blew my mind! It was simply one of the best moments of my life.
All this to say, I was not "lost", finding myself with nowhere to go with my theism. I was an now atheist, loving the one life I had, enjoying it more with knowing that all I had to care for are my loved ones, and leaving this life with the cleanest footprint I could leave behind, even maybe with something for my kids to be proud of and remember me by.
Sorry for the long post. I just hope my journey helps someone out there. Maybe someone relates to my story, and just needs a little nudge to question the validity of all this. I read every day of those who are outside the WTS, left alone and wandering with their theism in a bag… looking for another religion to fit the need, while forgetting that there is a whole world of beautiful reality out there, waiting for them to use their life to the full, unhindered by religious protocol.
Much love and Peace.