Can the jw organization be reformed?

by wannaexit 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • LaFrancia

    yes for me

    All the president of watchtower were Reformists !!

    The reforms are not from the top to down,but from the bottom upwards.........(english italian google translate)

    The reforms are ideas,the men are influenced by the ideas,sharing ideas propagates from the BASE to the summit.

    Jehovah's people can make Lobby,in the organization.

    my English does not allow me to talk a lot and I'm sorry

  • LaFrancia

    for information this blog in italian

  • Gayle

    My first response is, No!

    Now, they have "revised" their (Holy) New World Translation. I assume they did this "revised" edition and work for a need or reason. Some revision is needed but what? Will these revised words help them to 'revise' or 'reform' their teachings? But for their good? Or, to a stronger hold on their people/workers? Are they secure enough to work within truth and love, or control?

    My second response is, No! Not toward the good!

  • emeth

    There is a saying .....Never change a winning team. There is no need to reform

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Can the jw organization be reformed?

    The Watchtower religion known as Jehovah’s Witnesses is a child.

    This child was birthed as a rebranding effort by Joseph Rutherford during the 12-month period between Spring of 1927 and Spring of 1928 when associates of the Watchtower organization declined by more than 80%. It’s been in a formative state since.

    Eventually the formation will find an equilibrium. But given the ongoing “Armageddon’s right around the corner” theology I’d say not in the near future. By comparison, at best, right now I’d say the religion is in the formative years of a tween.

    The religion known as Jehovah’s Witnesses will not experience substantial reformation in the near term.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wasblind

    " There's a saying....Never change a winning team "___emeth

    LOL. ..... does that include the team on the cover of the May 15, 1984 Watchtower ?

    You know. The ones who lost out on the great finale of this system of things


  • fulltimestudent

    But given the ongoing “Armageddon’s right around the corner” theology I’d say not in the near future.

    It's informative to compare the situation in the early church- rather clear from the surviving canonical texts that there was an expectation that Christ was going to return in their lifetime. Its also evident in texts like "The Shepherd of Hermas" ( considered to be very popular reading in the early church) that they had started to find reasons why Jesus hadn't returned, but that he soon would, anyway, an attitude that has stretched to the popular concept in modern churches.

    And, in spite of those who will jump up and deny it - its clear that in 2000 years - christianity did change.

  • jam

    Ron Enroth book "Churches that Abuse".

    "It is possible for authoritarian churches to change direction". There

    are examples of leaders who have announced change and confessed

    to error.

    Bob Mumford of the Christian Growth Ministries made a dramatic aboutface

    after issuing a public statement of repentance in 1989.

    Mumford one the Ft. Lauderdale five (so named because of the five founders

    of the CGM Church) acknowledge abuses that had occurred because of his

    teaching on submission.

    This emphasis resulted in "Perverse and unbiblical obedience to leaders".

    He also admitted that families had been severely disrupted and lives turned

    upside down.

    If there is any decency left in those old fools (FDSC, 8 GB) and if their

    hearts is not hard-hearted to what is good, maybe in 20 years it's possible.

    Today they are known as a odd religion, in 20 years they will be so far out

    in left field they will have to reform. No one in their right mind would be a

    part of such a weird group.

  • Finkelstein

    Hardly if any, for the core corruption of this organization has always been stemmed from the fact that its a publishing house.

    Preaching the gospel from this organization was always something commercialized and fraudulently devised.

    The other problem is that this organization is strongly structured and enforced upon its own doctrines so if someone at the top wanted to

    change the formula and direction, they most likely would put on trial for apostasy.

    Remember what happened to Ray Franz.

    As from that sure there some things that might seem valuable, such as the social connection that some people may need.

  • emeth

    @wasblind its just a saying meaning if things go well there is no need to reform or change the strategy. And, i know many here dont want to hear it but seen from our perspective things go well

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