Can the jw organization be reformed?

by wannaexit 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • justmom

    of course it can be.....

    but it doesn't matter what they do to it, it still does not make it the truth.

    And since a little leaven ferments the WHOLE LUMP, I would guess this batch of dough is rotten to the core.

    So since it is as the bible mentions, " UNCLEAN" and we are told to " quit touching what is unclean " to be accepted and taken in by Jah and his son,...

    The best option for someone that still has a measure of faith and believes is " get out of her" quit touching her, (revelation 18:4) And turn to the ONE that is TTAT.

    CHRIST as our only shephard and lord and mediator. We don't need the middle man ( the Gb). They don't care about the sheep anyways. It's only about position and money To them.

    So allow yourselft he opportunity that is open and FREE to all mankind.

    Union with our lord that gives us life at John 6: 48-59. " he that feeds on his flesh and drinks his blood has life within themselves."

    And the free gift of holy spirit that is available to ALL not just the GB!

    This is the invitation that is open to everyone in Revelation 22:19 to "COME and take life's water FREE. This water, which is life giving, which is Holy Spirit is FREE"!!

    Jut wanted to share

    Love to you all,

    any that choose to hear

  • BackseatDevil

    To what purpose? If they are honestly going to be a Christian religion that is more about love and reality than separation, then they just need to merge with the Methodists and be done with it or else they come across creepy like the Mormons.

    If they wan to go more evangelical then they need to start striking the 'fear of god' into their subjects and give them more than A bible colored that of a whitewashed grave and start punishing their subjects more.

    They can go either way. The problem is that Jehovah's Witnesses (not really specifically) are trying to save EVERYONE (completely ignoring Revelation 8 LOL). So in their current state, no... why would they? They are a doomsday cult who, like the Mormons, have created their own dramatic end of days to perpetually keep people on a leash in order to maintain a successful money-making machine. AND IT WORKS.

    So... What is there to reform?

  • wannaexit

    Thank you everyone for chiming in.

    Justmom well said.

    LaFrancia- I applaud your zeal as is evident by your blog which I will continue to read.

    I've been thinking lately about Jesus' words that "a man does not put new wine into old wineskins" . Is reform putting new wine in old wineskins? And is reform a symptom of "a house divided"? I think it is.

    Also if this is truly an organization guided by God, in the final analysis is a reform not suggesting that there is something wrong with God?

    It will be interesting to see what the future brings for the jw org.

  • transhuman68

    It's kinda sad that anyone would even think of reforming this religion. It is doomed, and deserves to sink into obscurity.

  • apocalypse

    Reform is possible. It's happening right now. The wt organization just up-ended it's whole organizational structure from 2001 till just now.

    In 2001, the legal Governing Body of The Watchtower Incorporated (under the laws governing such within the United States of America) (the Board of Directors, the President, and Vice President) relinquished their legal positions within The Watchtower Incorporated , then going on to 'spiritualize' their authority as a new entity, the "Governing Body of Jehovah's Witness" (as if a people could have a 'govering body)

    The newest move in their re-vamp or reformation, was a major change in authority structure, incorprating within themselves all authority under heaven and on Earth.

    Along the way they made secret affiliations, altered their position on blood, both giving and taking, and have begun their war on the internet by advancing at every level, electronic media usage, even going as far as to suggest to members that they get a data plan on their mobile phone to use their internet site at peoples front door. Golly!

    Reform everywhere. ...and the list goes on.

    What exactly do you think about when you think of "reform"? I think people assume it means something other than perhaps what Webster's has to offer.

    Full Definition of REFORM

    transitive verb 1 a : to put or change into an improved form or condition b : to amend or improve by change of form or removal of faults or abuses 2 : to put an end to (an evil) by enforcing or introducing a better method or course of action 3 : to induce or cause to abandon evil ways <reform a drunkard> 4 a : to subject (hydrocarbons) to cracking b : to produce (as gasoline or gas) by cracking.

    I think all goodie JW's would believe that (1a) is applicable. (1b) would be a stretch as the wt has 'no faults or abuses' to start with. And don't even go to (2) Ray Franz, in the beginning, thought of reform. That meaning that the 'open minded search for the absolute truth' would lead to teaching ... well, the truth, starting with the truth about 607 and the Gentile Times. (That's how the 1980 schism began after all) But in the end (and I spoke to him on the phone several times and exchanged letters) he was just seeking what we are all seeking just by our presence here. To expose the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth help me God.

    Does a murderer want the truth exposed? Does he want to go to prison? Do the governors of watchtower fairyland want the truth to come out, that they are imposters, murderers?

    In the end, Ray Franz gave up on the idea of reform. Crisis of Conscience was about him and his journey through life within watchtower. But then he broadened out. He incuded in later editions of CofC an expose' of the UNited Nations affair. I personally sent him the UN letter from Paul Hoeffel to replace the faximile he first used.

    Ray was not connected to this issue. The UN thing happened long after he left. Then why include it? Because "reform", or turning the watchtower into a truth seeking organization.... is not possible. The only thing that is possible is to expose it. And point the Roman spears and swords towards it.

    That's my opinion. I think it's valid. I think I shared that opinion in common with Ray.

  • flipper

    No, no, and no. It's a criminal organization from the top down and cannot be reformed. It needs to just disintegrate like a bad dream , and go away

  • justmom

    WANNAEXIT said,

    I've been thinking lately about Jesus' words that "a man does not put new wine into old wineskins" . Is reform putting new wine in old wineskins? And is reform a symptom of "a house divided"? I think it is.

    Yes, you are right on this.


    You are right as well.

    Thy have reformed almost completely since we have come out in 1998.

    Someone posted here somewhere how many publications have been replaced and ones that are obsolete.

    They use the internet extensively ( so it's not demonized anymore or the pornography is okay now????)

    They have set up booths in the malls etc where they used to do more door to door work.

    And NOW their Bible has been reformed!

    So, you are right. Full reform in progress, but it won't change the FACT that it is not TRUTH! ( or the truth)

    They have changed so many understandings and called it the famous " new light". That is BS.

    Jah is not confused as to change truth. It is man that does not have Holy Spirit that pushes his owns doctrines and laws to mislead sheep that are vulnerable.

    Thank you for your comments on this,

    love Justmom

  • BackseatDevil

    Reform for them is cosmetic, at best. It's like a business moving into a new tenant space in a strip mall. They can redo the lighting and layout, displays and music... but they are still just another store in a strip mall and unless the s**tty product they sell manufactured in a sweatshop in nowhere Asia has been revamped as well, then there is no real change on the consumer end.

    They can 'restructure' the bible, the word, the message, the special add-on features that make everything glow... but the message is still false, it's still a cult... and they are still using closed-minded information to dictate the lives of everyone they touch.

    It's the same ugly picture... just a shiney new... gravestone grey picture frame.

    And better lighting... maybe.

  • EmptyInside

    I doubt any reformation is possible,since they feel they are perfect already. And the ones who see the problems just eventually leave or put up with it,with the "where else will we go" mentality.

  • LisaRose

    They would have to stop covering up their past, stop lying about their false predictions and stop pretending that Armageddon is still just around the corner. They would have to end their star chamber judicial committees and forced shunning of family members. They would have to stop telling people to throw their life away by refusing life saving medical care. They would have to stop telling kids not to go to college, they would have toacknowledge the reality of evolution. They would have to stop saying everyone but them would be destroyed at Armageddon. They would have to acknowledge that some people are born gay. They would have to drop their ridiculous requirements for meetings and field service. They would have to make celebrating birthdays and Christmas a personal choice.

    Never. Going. To. Happen.

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