Reform is possible. It's happening right now. The wt organization just up-ended it's whole organizational structure from 2001 till just now.
In 2001, the legal Governing Body of The Watchtower Incorporated (under the laws governing such within the United States of America) (the Board of Directors, the President, and Vice President) relinquished their legal positions within The Watchtower Incorporated , then going on to 'spiritualize' their authority as a new entity, the "Governing Body of Jehovah's Witness" (as if a people could have a 'govering body)
The newest move in their re-vamp or reformation, was a major change in authority structure, incorprating within themselves all authority under heaven and on Earth.
Along the way they made secret affiliations, altered their position on blood, both giving and taking, and have begun their war on the internet by advancing at every level, electronic media usage, even going as far as to suggest to members that they get a data plan on their mobile phone to use their internet site at peoples front door. Golly!
Reform everywhere. ...and the list goes on.
What exactly do you think about when you think of "reform"? I think people assume it means something other than perhaps what Webster's has to offer.
Full Definition of REFORM
transitive verb 1 a : to put or change into an improved form or condition b : to amend or improve by change of form or removal of faults or abuses 2 : to put an end to (an evil) by enforcing or introducing a better method or course of action 3 : to induce or cause to abandon evil ways <reform a drunkard> 4 a : to subject (hydrocarbons) to cracking b : to produce (as gasoline or gas) by cracking.
I think all goodie JW's would believe that (1a) is applicable. (1b) would be a stretch as the wt has 'no faults or abuses' to start with. And don't even go to (2) Ray Franz, in the beginning, thought of reform. That meaning that the 'open minded search for the absolute truth' would lead to teaching ... well, the truth, starting with the truth about 607 and the Gentile Times. (That's how the 1980 schism began after all) But in the end (and I spoke to him on the phone several times and exchanged letters) he was just seeking what we are all seeking just by our presence here. To expose the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth help me God.
Does a murderer want the truth exposed? Does he want to go to prison? Do the governors of watchtower fairyland want the truth to come out, that they are imposters, murderers?
In the end, Ray Franz gave up on the idea of reform. Crisis of Conscience was about him and his journey through life within watchtower. But then he broadened out. He incuded in later editions of CofC an expose' of the UNited Nations affair. I personally sent him the UN letter from Paul Hoeffel to replace the faximile he first used.
Ray was not connected to this issue. The UN thing happened long after he left. Then why include it? Because "reform", or turning the watchtower into a truth seeking organization.... is not possible. The only thing that is possible is to expose it. And point the Roman spears and swords towards it.
That's my opinion. I think it's valid. I think I shared that opinion in common with Ray.