The reason behind why the ex-JW community can never match Jehovah's Witnesses' success.

by Stand for Pure Worship 187 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    How can we know there are more ex-Witnesses than practicing by looking at statistics?

    The WTS itself publishes numbers baptized each year and average publishers. What happens to the difference? We can use actuarial tables to figure out how many would have died in the interim, but a certain percentage will be disfellowshipped and disaffected members. Check out the Pew survey linked below, starting on page 25. JW's are seeing a -0.4% reduction for people leaving the religion.

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Thanks for the links Jgnat, I'll check it out. It's probably some nonsense, but to be fair I'll give it a look.

  • jgnat

    heh heh heh

  • jhine

    SFPW , I am waiting for some sort of reply .


  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Jgnat, I think it's interesting how diversified Jehovah's Witnesses are in America, according to that Pew survey you linked. Women constitute 60% of our brotherhood, Latinos at 24%, and blacks at 22%. There's likely no other organized faith with as much diversity as Jehovah's Witnesses. Name another group of people with a variety of backgrounds that can come together with peace and unity dedicated to righteous principles? Reminds me of Rev 7:9.

  • braincleaned

    Name another group of people with a variety of backgrounds that can come together with peace and unity dedicated to righteous principles?

  • jookbeard

    what wonderous unity, just think JW's world wide can study the Washtower in over 200 odd lands within the same week, surely sign of Gods spirit!

  • BizzyBee

    Whatever the current rate of defection from the organization is, the Internet is going speed it up.

    Accurate, accessible information is the WTS's biggest enemy.

  • tootired2care

    SFPW, does it bother you at all to be preaching things to people that have an expiration date? How many major and fundamental ways can "the truth" be changed, and still be accurately called "the truth"? By this standard Russel, Rutherford et-all were apostates.

    Case-in-point, whatever happened to the rhetoric that we are living in the "last of the last days"? No doubt this gave you urgency to preach to save as many as possible like a seach and rescue op. Do you remember going out and distributing that kingdom news "false religions end is near"? Do you feel any regret at having done this even though it clearly was a lie?

    The entire premise of the JW faith is perpetuated by lies of 8 men that are prentending to be something they are not. No doubt you are just trying to do right by god, but when you take stock of the premise that these 8 popes pretent to know the time and seasons, does it prick your conscience that you are essentially following followers, and perpetuating their mis-interpretations, and deceptions, and expiring truth by preaching it to your neighbors? How are you any better than the Catholics? At least they have better family relasionships, and allow their children a decent education and leave people alone on Saturday morning.

    Is this is how you define success? If it is, I do pity you, and the ones gullable enough to listen to the expiring "truths" that you're preaching.

  • tornapart

    SFPW.... my mother, my hubby, my children and their families, my extended family are ALL JWs and not one of them would come to a website like this... why have you come here?

    If the WT religion is so wonderful then why allow yourself become 'infected' with the 'aposta-disease'. Aren't you going directly against WT counsel. As was said to some other JW apologists on yet another 'apostate' website..............

    Watchtower 2011 7/15 p.16 pars.6-7 ~ Will You Heed Jehovah’s Clear Warnings?

    “How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? The Bible’s counsel….is clear. (Read Romans 16:17 ; 2 John 9-11 ) “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel….apostates are “mentally diseased”….( 1 Tim. 6:3 , 4 ) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them….are we determined to heed his warning in all respects? What is involved in avoiding false teachers? We do not receive them into our homes or greet them…. refuse to read their literature…. examine their Web sites, or add our comments to their blogs. Why do we take such a firm stand? Because of love. We love “the God of truth”….( Ps. 31:5 ; John 17:17 )

    As a LOYAL JW, you should be heeding this counsel. Obviously you are not. You can get away with it by hiding behind an avatar and pc screen. You can't get away with it from Jehovah. So obviously you don't believe it's wrong to do. So you don't believe that the GB are to be obeyed? This means you are now one of us... an apostate.

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