Witnesses going rogue - trying to blend in with the world

by BluePill2 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • BluePill2

    It's been a couple of years now since I left the pink-pony-world of the Watchtower Real estate & money laundering Inc.

    Out of curiosity I researched a couple of "brothers" to see if they are still in, what they are up these days, etc. Using LinkedIn, Facebook, and other online research I come up with this:

    1. Branch Committee member Lothar Mihank (formerly in Nicaragua, now Branch Committee in Indonesia) presents himself in LinkedIn as "CEO of SSYI" and tries to pass the Borg as some kind of corporation (which is what they are). It didn't surprise me in the least, since when he was serving in Nicaragua he loved to present himself as some "big shot Director".

    This is in line with the Borg itself that likes to morph itself into something else, to blend in and look more main stream. During his time in Nicaragua, the Branch acquired International Mission Status (see Yearbook 2003, pag. 134-135 original quote: "Since then, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society has been given international mission status by the Nicaraguan government and can operate freely and with the usual tax exemptions accorded to such nonprofit organizations. ")

    This little snippet of text went unnoticed by many witnesses and they have no idea what it meant. The Borg essentially went to bed with diverse governmental agencies, had to cooperate heavily with the Nicaraguan government (I will tell you more about this in a minute) and also do some shady negotiations with the US Embassy in Managua. The requisites to obtain such status can be read here:http://legislacion.asamblea.gob.ni/normaweb.nsf/%28$All%29/95965A77A0DDB86A062570A100580DC6?OpenDocument

    Essentially they had diplomatic status (cars with special license plates, like the UN or Embassies) and tax exemption. The Borg built the Assembly hall and the Branch and saved a couple of millions in taxes (also several 100 KH). Nowadays they are selling these for full market prices. The Branch loved to brag about their status "like the UN" and it is true that they could drive everywhere, without Police controls and the big shots at the Branch Committee where treated like foreign diplomats. During the years the Borg had to do "jobs" for the government there (like renovations at Government buildings done with volunteer Kingdom Hall volunteers FOR FREE). The brothers where told that this was part of the "mission" and that it would save money. They also had to go yearly to the US Embassy and negotiate in order to obtain a letter from the Ambassador, saying that the Watchtower had the support of the US government and, no doubt, being member of diverse United Nations sub-organizations also helped a lot. There are a couple of more activities in relation with this particular topic, but I can leave them for another thread.


    2. In this case I will not mention his name (for important reasons). I found another long time Special pioneer that left the service, still serves as an elder and now gives language courses. Presents himself as CEO of a Language Institute (that is again a sub-corporation of another corporation that belongs to other witnesses). The funny part is that he presents 20+ years in diverse pioneer assignments (in different countries) as: Consultant and doesn't mention the Watchtower or any Witness related stuff, just says that he worked for "International Development Organization" as Development Manager for Third World communities.

    Pioneering = helping poor communities = giving Watchtower magazines instead of water & bread & housing. He completely renounces the true source of his income during that time.

    3. Another elder (very famous and active and beloved...you get the point) is posing his company as Marketing agency and even manages Ad and marketing campaigns for all kinds of worldly companies - including big tobacco and some slightly erotic stuff. Unbelievable! I know that he is still active and a big shot for the Borg. His profile says that he is totally dedicated to filming, marketing, sports and movies. No mention of his activities for the Borg, the Bible or 10+ years as Pioneer.

    This is it so far. Have you met other Witnesses that are still active and try to pass their present or past as something else? I guess they are just learning from "mother"...

  • Splash

    Nice research BP2.

    I'm simultaneously amazed and yet not suprised. There's an ego at a certain level of the Soc, and that can now be fed using social networks.

    The continuous counsel is to not strive for a career, but these 'humble' men crave recognition and so doctor their experience to try to look like successful career men.

    It's a shame there's no mention of secular qualifications, since just about every other CEO out there would have papers to prove their hard work and worth, and not just 20 years of pushing doorbells full time. It would be good to use the position descriptions these men advertise as goals for the up and coming publishers in the congregations.

    Despite this self-aggrandising deception, be certain that if they ever were to be interviewed for an equivalent position outside the Soc, they would be laughed out of town. In fact we had a thread on something similar earlier this year, here on jw.net.

    Let them have their glory before men if they feel they need it, underneath they know they're stuck in a hopeless life of servitude to another man who is probably even less qualified than they are. I bet they don't like to consider their retirement provisions in comparison to those who actually work for a living.


  • BluePill2

    Thank you Splash. Unfortunately I didn't had to research this...I was there...

    I understand that many of us leave and have to "doctor" their past, because: 15 years of distributing rags is not an accomplishment and, despite what they tell the rank-and-file about the Ministry School being such a fantastic preparation for public speaking, it IS NOT! Once you have to stand in front of a board of directors in a real corporation and explain the yearly Financial report, THEN you will know that KMS is BS.

    What amazes me is how people can be active - no, let me correct that: super-active, like fanatics and STILL renounce their true position and activity. I don't know what goes on in their minds at psychological level, but the thought gymnastics must be amazing. They basically are ashamed or know that "Watchtower" just reads awful on any decent curriculum.

    What do you think? Why hide your "employeer". Aren't they proud of what they are doing???

  • carla

    interesting, marking

  • Scott77

    Very good thread. The world is becoming very competitive and with it a requirement to complete verifiable degree. What happened to former Yahoo Inc Chief Executive Scott Thompson, can also happen to these JWs. See the link below for mores of the story.



  • fulltimestudent

    Interesting, thnx for posting that info, BluePill2.

    I think at different levels this attitude may be common. Going back to the 1960's when I stopped the pretence that I could be a missionary, and needed a good job to feed and clothe kids, the witnesses were regarded with a lot more contempt than perhaps they are now.

    So, on my resume I had to explain what I'd done during the 50's decade, so decided to say I'd performed a missionary work associated with building up churches. I never associated my "missionary" (i.e.pioneering) work with Jehovah's Witnesses, but said it was with the International Bible Students Association. That was true anyway, as the IBSA was a name still used in Australia, though unknown to most people. (The old Strathfield, Sydney Bethel still has IBSA in big letters on one of the buildings>)

    Can't recall detail now, but I think it was rather common to do that.

    I also think that such an attitude would be supported by the official strategy they called "Theocratic War Strategy."

    And, in connection with Splash's thoughts, I've known some really talented people among the witnesses. A guy I worked under for a few years (and, certainly not a witness), had met and known Nathan Knorr personally during WW2, and thought him a great organiser and engineer, (what was Nathan telling him ????? ). Whatever you think of witness theology (or, any other Christian group theology, for that matter) or witness behaviour, Knorr certainly 'organised' the witnesses along the lines of 'business efficiency.'

    Other brothers often got great jobs when they left full-time service. I often wondered how it fitted with Jesus' instruction to sell everything you had, and come be my follower? Still that's a problem in all churches and has been since Constantine the Great, started pouring money into building impressive churches, back in the 4th Century CE. And, then started paying for Bishops to attend conferences (religious Councils).

    (Look at the enormous wealth accumulated by the Cath. church since that time).

    Christianity's a joke, isn't it? Doesn't matter what brand, in the end they are all the same.

  • Scott77

    (Look at the enormous wealth accumulated by the Cath. church since that time). Christianity's a joke, isn't it? Doesn't matter what brand, in the end they are all the same.


    The catholic church has done enormous social contributions to to development of third world countries and contineus to this day through its various charities. On otherhand, the Watchtower which is an opportunistic, has contributed to nothing.


  • anonymouz

    Yes In my opinion it is part of the "mother" complex. But it is far worse than just "blending in". Trans-national CEOs, like many others, would plainly understand a financial globalization in the world scene would have to take a number of years, and possibly world war and world depression to actually globalize the national debt blackhole into an again functional system. And that will occur, and that will not be "any day now brothers!" as "the end" is said to be, but instead the beginning of a drawn out process globally that will take some years.

    After or during such a globalization of the financial mechanism of control of say the leading 50 core nations economic systems first, then along with it or after it a globalization governmental infrastructure could then be extended fully into national powers (already in place in concept in many nations, and in preliminary application in the US and advanced in the EU) to bypass national governmental authority to guide this system from specialized internationalized groups who understand international issues with real-time reliable information, and national politicians could continue for a while to act as if they understand Texas and El Paso "issues". Issues that ultimately have an international fractal pattern that controls it all, or is about to fully in a more complete way I should say.

    And that process is going to take some years to actually put in place with the globalized authoritative backing to enforce it. Which would be a final stage to uni-polar globalized military top control as the ultimate enforcer of last resort after finance and governmental regulation in internationalized control.

    The point is, many people even on the street, now understand globalization concepts as a framework (not unrelated pieces), to actually present a true "8th King" world government, beyond the UN schematic, and that it will take years to actually complete. Not many, but nearly a decade or so. Yet WT CEOs are acting as if they do not understand some basic globalization projections, and instead tell JWs "it can end any day now brothers!", meaning the whole world system. Yet for that JW end scenario, the 8th King world government must complete first, it cannot be just a UN schematic, and that takes YEARS. Meaning the top Bethel brainwash creators full well know it cannot end "any day".

    So it cannot end any day now, the final globalization cycle can START any day now. And in that start, eventaully national financial autonomy (Dan11:42-43) and eventually sovereign national power (Rev17:12-18) is what WILL also end starting any day now (deposition or transfer to globalist authority), but has to go on for some years to finalize into required national unions created or overhauled to cascade the international governmental administration according to how it's schematic is designed and already partly in use, to actually be a true world goverment.

    Thus is appears the GB and other central Bethel authorities know a national collapse is coming in all te nations to some degree, and it is not "the end of the world", and in those periods of upheaval they also have a JW "theology" that can assist Bethel's financial pillage in that period to be covered up by (1.) "Daniel 11:44 is next!" fictional hoax King North role and further by (2.) "it is the attack on Babylon the Great" (BTG) as very convenient misappliable fictions, to cover up what is actually the end of Bethel to some severe degree in this initial national plunge that will take some years, and will in fact lead to world recovery, even from a final world war, as the obligatory womb of world chaos by which world government is born in concept and in final reality.

    And obviously it takes some years to complete the process.

    The fact is in JWs a self-fulfilling prophecy and predictive programming is so common in Bethel JW brainwash for anticipation of Bethel "desolation", and in fact globalization reality is just so far from actual world government at this time, it is hard to reconcile such an actual contradiction from WT top administrators who are not as dumb as they choose to appear without some purpose to the design. No one can today be this ignorant unless on purpose and at that level of operation at Bethel top globalizers of tat religion, tey cannot not know all this. Especially from men who claim to study the Bible and world events as full time jobs. (Which they do, to apply an illusion for cover, rather than the actual affirmable globalization reality).

    JWs are indeed in 1980 levels of basic globalism understanding, that is complete ignorance of the understanding of the basis of the primary globalization of world finance, government and military from eventually all national "providers" that must precede and actually be the basis of an actual world government. (Dan11:42-43 assist Rev17:12-18 and Rev16:13-16) But the WT CEOs cannot run a trans-national corporate complex (and a globalized religious empire) and be ignorant of what is really going on in the world globalization process, but they can mislead JWs even at high levels into this illusion and project the impression they are also as backward, and that it is all progressive instead.

    And that is why it is very interesting that JW "theology" is more aiding the globalization process of the initial cycle to start with engineered confusions, but suggesting to JWs it is "the end of the world any day" which already has also a JW pre-programmed theology of Daniel 11:44 "attack" expected with a BTG "attack" element as well. Meaning JWs expect a desolation, but JWs are not being told at what point in the process it is actually at, that is at it's beginning not it's end, that will actually be developing next - and on who the "attack" is coming Bethel, not BTG. And thus it is not the "attack" they think it is.

    It appears the engineered retardation in globalization purpose and awareness in JWs and an engineered theology with the supporting deceptive advancement of "prophetic understanding" way too far in the cycle (Daniel 11:44) are elements requiring intelligent design and purpose to be promoted concurrently in JWs that can actually aid the Bethel transition to new ownership completely out of control of modern actual JWs as Daniel 11:42-43 process activates next, but Bethel will apply Daniel 11:44-45 out of sync with world developmental globalization reality requiring financial globalization at Daniel 11:42-43 first to assist the rest of the cycle. (Thus out of sync with their own prophecy, and not realizing Daniel 11:30-45 is 8th King "King North" activity of the 3rd and 4th UN continuum to the actual end years later).

    Thus JWs can be organizationally desolated, and believe it is "the end of the world", but it will actually be the beginning of the full globalization final cycle, no Armageddon will come as expected, JWs will be bewildered, and that aids the following two years of the process. With no central reliable information, that confusion can last potentially years longer into what will actually be the trek to world government (Dan11:42-45), and the period JWs thought was developing but it was applied prematurely, due to Bethel hoax theology already setup for this purpose.

    JWs will swing on and miss an ultimate change up for a while.

    I do not see how a puzzle like that picture, just spontaneously constructs itself from these various pieces, without purposeful and intelligent guidance right from Bethel as the primary designer of this process. I can see the incentive in 100s of millions in Bethel assets though, and shutting down JWs fully for a few years in the process.

  • RayPublisher
  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Interesting, and disappointing.

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