Witnesses going rogue - trying to blend in with the world

by BluePill2 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • fulltimestudent

    The catholic church has done enormous social contributions to to development of third world countries and contineus to this day through its various charities.

    Yes, they've spent a lot of money, Scott - but its all relative, isn't it? What value do you place on this church's assets and income?

    If anyone winges about the WTBTS, don't you think they must also winge about the assets of the Catholic Church?

    (and, I'm not missing the point that the JWs winge about the RC Church and then turn around and do exactly the same.)


    Consider how much legal action over child rape alone has cost them, yet the money paid out is likely a drop in the bucket.

    The molestation and rape of children by priests in America has resulted in more than $3.3 billion of settlements over the past 15 years , $1.3 billion of that in California.

  • williamhconley

    Stand for true worship,

    I'm surprised that you recognize that these facts posted are disappointing. It's sad but true. These people realize that it's foolish to identify themselves as a full time minister for a corporation that has appointed itself above Christ & the Bible not to mention the false prophecies and tons of double standards and ridiculous demands of it's members.

    The WT is full of hypocrisy and lies when it comes to their dealings with the business world and they will hide their true identity and intentions. Case in point, when they purchased several buildings in Brooklyn, they knew that the sellers did not want the WT to buy them as they pay no taxes and the city would not benefit financially. SO the WT used JW's to pose as individual buyers to get the properties. Another example of double standards is when they secretly send Bethelites to University to learn a trade they need (Like Lawyers) yet they criticize from the platform and literature JW's trying to do the same. They will even delete elders and MS for allowing their children to go to University. Judah Schroeder son of former GB went to NYU law school yet his father banned normal JW's from doing the same and would call them materialstic in the publications.

    For years the WT has banned saluting the flag of your nation yet Brother Knorr, Franz, Henschel & the rest of the GB signed an oath of allegiance to the US government in order to have a passport and travel the world spreading their real estate corporation. I believe you can see the scan of their signatures on jwfacts.

    Another double standard and deceitfullnes is how in 1989 they told the Brothers in the USA that the literature will now be offered free of charge and voluntary donations will be mentioned to the householder. The WT letter stated that this was to help more people learn the trush...BS!!! That same year the US government had Jimmy Swaggart (famous televangelist) charging him for back taxes for the litertaure he would sell on TV. The WT even filed a "friend of the court" thus publicly declaring they were siding with Swaggarts position. He lost and suddenly the GB made this loving provision for the literature to be offered without a contribution in order to help "more people learn the truth".

    The lies are too much to bear. The disappointment of believeing they are guided and used by God yet their actions clearly show they are just another Corporation that will protect their power & money at all cost even if it means sacrificing truth & doing the right thing.

    I don't want to get started on their claim of not having a clergy yet they claim "clergy priviliege" in order to avoid giving the police information on child molesters and thus protecting these molesters from going to prison. As an elder I handled several child abuse cases and were clearly told NOT to share anything with the police even though the molester confessed to us. I would cringe by the fact that I could not warn parents to keep their kids away from Brother Child Molester. As a witness, you must be constantly excusing their inconsistencies and double standards and convince yourself that the problem is with you personally for feeling uncomfortable about matters.

    BTW: Bluepill, you did it again, another awesome thread.


  • Scott77
    They basically are ashamed or know that "Watchtower" just reads awful on any decent curriculum.

    What do you think? Why hide your "employeer". Aren't they proud of what they are doing???


    Good question.


  • dgp


  • cultBgone


  • MsTruthSeeker2014

    Interesting! indeed

  • JWdaughter

    FulltimeStudent, One thing of note in the Roman Catholic church-They are selling buildings and facilities in the areas hit hardest by the child abuse scandals-cause they needed to do so to pay the lawsuits and fines'.

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