Ran into a witnessing table at the park today

by confusedandalone 102 Replies latest jw experiences

  • braincleaned

    Ironically, SOMEBODY may die at armaggeddon for having missed this opportunity to learn about the "truth."

  • nonjwspouse

    I am with the other poster that these are perfect reverse witness places. Even if it is just to be friendly enough to walk up and say hello and offer to go get them something to drink from the concession stand! Imagine, friendly worldly people .

    The idea of bringing up one thing "you heard" to plant a seed, not many things, not long conversations unless they push for it and you are prepared for it, but one thing like the misprint in the new NWT.

  • confusedandalone

    Well Stealth anything is possible... if they were watching me their they have more than enough ammunition to proceed with any action they would like LOL.

    If they want to sit in the hot sun like a big bag of uncut dicks hoping to take down someone who has already left more power to them

  • jgnat

    To follow up on SFP(something's) comment, here's a Buddhist fully aware. And this is what spiritual beauty looks like.


    Hint: it's not a magazine stand.

  • Caupon

    LOL. Notice how Stand For Pure Worship didn't go into any relative detail about this unconsciousness of spiritual obligation.

    He's really starting to soften up in his posts.

  • wasblind


    Thank you for showin' how Jehovah's Witnesses get out an " urgent message "

    They keep " Separate from the world "

  • confusedandalone

    " I guess some people just aren't conscious of their spiritual needs." - SFPW

    Apparently you aren't either for frequenting athe type of website that they said makes Jehovah cry at night because you hurt his mythical feelings.

  • wasblind

    " I guess some people just arent conscience of thier spiritual need "___Stand for pure.......

    LOL. Those pics speaks louder than words

    what a lousy way to alert folks of thier spiritual need

    from far off


  • Scott77

    After watching those photos from confusedandalone, here are my question. Does the watchtower rhetoric as presented in its publications, assemblies and thousands of meetings match the action of this R & F? The answer is no.


  • wasblind

    Exactly Scott 77

    The only door those sisters knocked on that day was that of a restroom


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