Anyone Celebrating Halloween this Year???

by cognac 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShirleyW

    Who's the person that used to post here (or perhaps still does) that likes to dress like a dragon or somethng and posted some pictures of her walking around town in her costume (not on the day of Halloween by the way), her avitar pic was of her wearing the mask.

  • tiki

    got the candy for the little trickster's fun - they are so cute. that's the extent of it for us, though. although i am very into pumpkins....they speak to me.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    going to dress up as a prisoner at work and encouraged three or four others to also I'm the holiday activist

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The blessings of living in an area where no Witnesses lived - except my family. One of the more fun events growing up was that my mom sewed our costumes with great care. There was a parade around the school that attracted parents, relatives, and neighbors. I adore watching such parades as an adult. When I was in law school, the students went to great effort to decorate and make treats for the preschoolers who lived in the dorm. Unforunately, they were too young to enjoy t much. We enjoyed doing it. Perhaps we should have invited some older children from local school.

    My study hours were frequent and disciplined. I left my books to attend the first Greenwich Village Halloween Party in Washington Park. The law school buildings faced the park and the arch. Performers were on top of the arch. It had a small town feel. The primary forces were the local public school and preschool and the Christopher St. gays. What a mix! It was magical. There were free donuts from a local donut shop. The children were cherubic and the gays were so entertaining. It felt so good. IN the following years, it became a commercial monstrosity with visits from NJ, LI, and the boroughs.

    Since my present building is composed mostly of single sans children, I may attend the parade sans hand bag. It felt so good to get special treats from our immediate neighbors. Oh, my parents neglected to mention the school parade to our relative JWs.

  • Oubliette
  • Finkelstein

    Sorry don't think much of this Holiday tradition .

    Why ?

    Because its intently devised to scare and frighten small impressionable children, then feed them candy

    which promotes tooth decay and stomaches.

    Sounds a bit irresponsible from an adult perspective doesn't it ?

    Have nothing against kids dressing up and having a party though .

    Kids just like adults have a sensitive psychology that needs to nurtured, cared for and respected.

    So have the kids over for a party and set off some fireworks for their enjoyment but refrain from taking

    them door to door the general public shouldn't be trusted to what they do this particular night.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Decorating the garage, folks can walk up with their kids and choose candy-gift bags. Music, pretty lights, nothing scary. Last year was my first year to give candy at the front door in about 30 years and the little kids were just wonderful, they loved to hear compliments about their costumes. I am hooked on Halloween.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I like the suggestion of dressing like a smurf.

  • konceptual99


    Bad apostate, dirty apostate, in your bed!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    There did not seem to be many children in the bldg so we purchased only one mixed bag of candy. The turn-out was great so after the candy was depleted, we resorted to handing out quarters. These were children from the building, not the general neighborhood. Their eyes lit up and they screeched "quarters" to each other. I believe in kid terms, a quarter is worth more than a million. The quarters were definitely the hit of the night. Everyone else handed out candy.

    I always wanted to collect for UNICEF back in the 1950s and early 1960s when it was a US puppet and adored at school. Those containers looked nice.

    I believe that adult Haloween figures will soon surpass Christmas numbers.

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