Anyone Celebrating Halloween this Year???

by cognac 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • dazed but not confused
  • cognac

    Awesome pictures!!!

    Dazed- I read in your other post how you made the costume out of old JW clothes. Epic!!!

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Thanks Cognac. He was Spider Man last year. He loves zombie shows and wanted to be a zombie this year. I was thinking, “Sweet. We have just the thing for that.” He helped me make it by rubbing them on the concrete, on the tires and in the dirt. He also helped burn the holes in it. It was more fun making it than buying one.

  • cognac

    That is awesome!!! Now I want to destroy an old meeting dress!!! Bet it felt awesome!!!

  • rebel8

    I'm celebrating it! Hopefully 3x in fact. Last weekend, zombie. Tonight I'm a cat, posting on this spooky forum in between answering the door. Tomorrow night I will think up a new costume, or be a cat again or blend the two and be a zombie cat.

    It's so fun to see kids react to Halloween. They enjoy it so much. Pure joy. Earlier I saw some kids with cancer getting candy and seeing nurses in costume. Even they seemed like they were having so much fun.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I went to hear a band play outside my favorite wine bar, with a couple friends. Then, I accepted a last minute invitation to my first halloween party and the hostess gave me some gear so I was a pirate wench. Had a blast and my teen daughter laughed about the pics I sent her (She went to her first Halloween party Saturday night).

  • ILoveTTATT

    This will be my first Halloween... EVER!! Partying it up with the GF ;)

  • Oubliette

    Gotta' love Halloween!

    Yesterday I came home from work to find my wife on our bed dressed up as Cat-Woman.

    Being the dog that I am, I just naturally had to ....

  • confusedandalone

    We had a good time... there were no debonz flying around though....

    My pumpkin was awful buit the vomit at the end of the night was nice

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