I am a thinker... and I was thinking a lot lately about (the absense of) God and about my past years as a witness and suddenly it striked me: The less I think about a caring God being in existence the more happy and relaxed I am. Also the fact that IF he is there then I will notice it one day... I am not afraid of anything godlike in any way. While exploring that feeling I was also noticing something. I am more happy at the moments I just let people think what they want to think about being a JW or being religious. Letting go of anything that is related to these issues really helps me. It does not hurt me anymore that people believe something different or don't believe at all. I am starting to see a shitload of goodness in many, many people. Religious or not... it does not matter.
Now I read less often at this forum (mostly I read here when I am bored) and I see all kinds of people battling about a lot of things, discussing faith etc etc and although it still seems interesting it just snoops away a shitload of energy. My idea now is that it is time to let it go... I just let everyone be whoever they want to be. I do not see any sense in taking away someone's faith in anything. So NO anti-witnessing calls from me... NO discussions with anyone that is related to religion unless someone truly want to talk about it to empty a burdened soul.
I am happy with it... I am free (although in fading mode) because there is no force or religion on this planet that can keep me in custody. I am a free spirit! Hoorayyyyyyy