You can try to help these people instead of bashing the ones who are causing trouble. I am not saying you should not do it at some point. I am just saying that it has no use. Normally these people are not open for well enough debates (just like a lot of JW) because they are convinced of their own wisdom. With that arrogance in mind you will see it has no use to even try. It is simply a waste of energy. The only thing that may work is to let people "think". Asking questions and let them figure out the answers... the once who do will actually become a lot smarter and maybe a better person.
Letting go of trying to convince people makes you happy
by DeWandelaar 14 Replies latest social entertainment
Good points well made DeW. I have a problem relative at the moment that I have been bashing my head against a brick wall trying to get him to move on.
He left the JW/WT religion in the mid 90's, but only physically, as it was the Child Abuse issue that made him leave. He is convinced it is not god's org, but still believes in god, (fair enough, deluded in my opinion, but I would let that one go), and he still believes in the Armageddon nonsense ! he also believes in the "new system/paradise earth" and that he will get a resurrection in to it.
I am going to plant some seeds, but he simply does not listen, so they will probably die in the scorching heat of his own confidence in what he believes.
Sad really.
Julia Orwell
@designs, then they can't be said to be not hurting anyone. Religion is a taboo topic in Australia so we're lucky that religious groups have no political power.
It is nice to know you're not responsible for the eternal salvation of everyone you meet though, because you're too chicken to witness to them like I always was. The guilt that these people could be killed because you didn't speak up, and that you could be killed too for not speaking up can wreak havoc with one's mental wellbeing.
JO- Interesting about Australia, here we have a big fight on our hands with the Fundamentalists-Evangelicals who want Creationism taught in Public Schools and Women's Medical Services shut down. Christian Dominionism is its official ugly title eeesh what a pox on humanity.
I know that I will regret asking this .. but why do the fundamentalists want the womens medical services shut down? is it because of an abortion issue ? And why do you say that social services for women and children would be shut down ?
I am posting from England and am genuinly in the dark about these things .