How to prove God does not exist?

by UBM101 111 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    ... Instead, Christians were encouraged to ASK for the gift of FAITH from God, since one cannot rationalize their way to FAITH.

    So yes, per strict reading of the Bible, those who seek to use logical thinking of the Greek rationalists to justify their belief in God are actually only demonstrating their LACK of FAITH, since they're attempting to bolster their beliefs with visible evidence and concepts quite foreign to Christianity (logic), which is even strongly denounced by Jesus (who made 'Doubting Thomas' the paradigm of those who trust their own sensory perceptions and logic, rather than simply accepting beliefs without question, AKA faith).

    I think I understand the function of FAITH in the lives of person who depend upon it.

    What is puzzling is wearing irrationality as a badge of honor.

    You see, the number one symptom of a lack of integrity is the failure or unwillingness to integrate your thinking with your words and actions.

    What do I mean?

    If you are going to live by FAITH, why would you turn around and do every other important thing rationally?

    Take the existence of SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY as an example.

    What does FAITH have to do with making a science of logic out of dogma derrived from scripture?

    This seems a bifurcation and double-minded to me. But, then--I'm trying to be rational and logical:)

  • freetosee
  • Comatose

    Tammy you channel the LORD and share it with us!!!!???!? Why didn't you tell us that the lord had messages for us before?! Geesh!

  • tec

    I do not 'channel' Him... I don't even know what that means. I have shared things with you and others that I have heard FROM Him on this forum, and elsewhere (as others do as well), and on multiple occassions.



  • cofty

    I have shared things with you and others that I have heard FROM Him on this forum

    This is channelling. It's what spirit mediums pretend to do.

  • jgnat

    I've said it before, Tammy/Tec. It's not evidence if only one person can see/hear it.

  • tec

    This is channelling. It's what spirit mediums pretend to do.

    My Lord has said to me,

    Spirit mediums channel the dead. Hear from the dead.

    My Lord is alive.



  • Comatose

    Tammy you say: You don't know (or you pretend not to know) enough about me so as to translate my words, or the words of my Lord when I share those.

    So you can share Jesus personal words with me?! Jesus can tell you a message and you will relate it for all of us!!!! Tammy, religions have been started on far less than this!!!! Jesus tells you things and you are his voice! You are telling us what Jesus actually said! That is amazing! I didn't actually understand this before. I thought you heard a voice in your head that you knew to be his. But, it was for you personally. If you hear Jesus and then can share it, thats huge!

    Why doesn't Jesus deliver us messages more often? If you told us what he said instead of your take on things I think people would listen more often.

  • tec

    I've said it before, Tammy/Tec. It's not evidence if only one person can see/hear it.

    It is evidence enough for them.

    Does it become evidence, jgnat, if others hear/see as well?



  • Comatose

    In fact, have I missed it??? Why wouldn't a person with this gift start threads about what Jesus said to tell the JWN people today, and then give us the message?

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