I am not His voice, Coma. No more than I would be my mother's voice, if I share something that she has taught me.
He has His own voice, and anyone can hear Him. Which is why it does not work as I think you are suggesting... that you hear from Christ through some other mediator. That IS how religions get started, when people start saying, come to me, instead of... pointing to Christ, that all may go to Him and hear Him.
If Christ were to communicate only through an organization or the like... well, then people would look to that organization as truth, and follow it (or some other person)
No one should do this. No one should follow me or anyone... other than Christ.
Because anyone can make a claim. That does not make their claim TRUE. If one wants to know if something IS true... then one must go to CHRIST, and then put faith in what HE is saying. Test the inspired expressions: against Christ, against love, against even what is written (again beginning with Christ's own words)
(and I have not said anything different here than I have ever said, so I did not expect such a response from you, Coma... and I am so so sorry, because I am rushing, because I have to get my kids and then go to work... I will have to continue later with you)
Peace to you,