So...the wife wants to go to New York. She wants to visit the holy land and see the new Bible museum. ( sorry, trying not to vomit..) Do you have any idea what it costs to fly to NY and get a room? THOUSANDS... So WTH?? Not only do these a-holes have Millions of dollars, not only do they constantly solicit donations and beg for money, but I must pay to go see their sh***y museum?!?! A bunch of crappy books, so full of apostate ideas, that the average dub is not allowed to read them. Seriously, does anyone else see how utterly ridiculous this is?!
So I was thinking. If the GB are the collective Pope ( they are), then WT properties are like the Vatican. So why doesn't the GB open gift shops? They already have credit card machines in places of worship. They have JW.ORG stores and online donation ( solicitation ) arrangements too. So why not a gift shop? What would you put in the gift shop? I'll start..
1) GB bobble-heads
Your turn.