They could sell a range of those rubber sandals in Australia called thongs but known around the world as 'flip=flops'. Each pair would have molded into it one of the many ideas they have 'flip-flopped' on. Why they might even become collectable.
by DATA-DOG 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The tour will be so anti-climactic you probably should go.
It is about as exciting as watching hobbyists build ships inside a bottle. Lots of tedious effort representing something completely
detached from practical everyday life--BY NERDS!
Gypsy Sam
I took my teen a couple years ago. It was so boring and not at all how I remembered going as a teen. Completely mundane visit and quite the hassle to change into skirts and shoes in the ladies room.
Now when we visit NYC we just have a ball. No guilt and enjoy all the wonders of the city. JetBlue and or airbnb have been great for deals on the upper west side (my favorite between 66th and 89th).
So many kind, wonderful people of all races ready to help you with any questions. May help open your wife's mind.
Gypsy Sam
Oh, and bethel could make a compilation coloring book of all their disturbing, horrific images, for children, starting with Lot's wife in wide eyed fright.
New lights. They get brighter and brighter.
1) GB T-Shirts
2) GB autographed silver bibles
3) New Light scented candles
4) Stuffed Caleb Dolls (by the way I have a friend with a two year old that just toured NY a couple of weeks ago and they sent us a pic of their kid hugging a life size cut-out of Caleb - No Joke!)
5) Locks of GB hair (some more rare than others)
6) Posters of Caleb getting his tail whooped for playing with Sparlock
7) Commerative Rutherford Scotch
8) Pioneer Tiaras
9) "Kiss Me I'm an Elder" Pins
10) Novelty Duct Tape for Sister's Mouths
Scarlet Colored Wild beast figurines... they sell them over at the UN gift shop don't they??
The Borequemada Bethel Inquisition and Shunning Banishment Kingdom Hall Witch Hunt Manual would be nice, with illustrated JW spiritual torture devices, some signed by the Popes of the Governing Body; $16.00 extra. (No stamps, but real signatures of the Bethel demons).
TTaTTelder and Ray Publisher, LOL Hahahah
Glenn astronaut charges $50 for his autograph and the other guy I can't think of his name. Sell copies of the Watchtower's new Bible with your photo of our favorite GB member with a autograph with a donation of $500 or more.
Governing Body figurines to hang in your car during Field Service for good luck and remind you not to take breaks and keep your mind filled with guilt. Which GB member would you like hanging from your car mirror or a Lego Bethel-Patterson model.