Hey guys. I need to speak about something that has haunted me in the past and has affected me still today.
In school from 3rd to 8th grade I have been severly bullied because I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. Kids everyday would beat and me call me "JO-HO" and chant the name on the school grounds, and the school bus EVERYDAY without stop! I would place myself in front of the teachers while at recess as the kids would surround me, tackle me, and beat me EVERYDAY! I would ask the teachers why they didn't punish the kids as the bulling was wide spead across the school, and I saw the teachers turn their backs as the events happened. Their response was "They could not watch everyone on the playground". I have also asked my parents to change my school as I would come home with severe bruises on me, pleading with them to interfere. Their response was that I should be thankfull I was being persecuted because that ment I was doing the right thing! This was 20 years ago. Today I have left the religon and have not only been isolated by by former peers but now by my family. The events that happened still effect me on a daily basis. Is there anything I can do leagly as a adult today?