I had pretty much the same experience as Joshinaz. Mine was from about 3rd Grade until 6th Grade (1964 - 1969). Kids would gang up on me, sometimes as many as 10 or 12 kicking, spitting, throwing punches. If I fell down, they'd kick me until they got tired, then run off. They'd call me a "jehovah" (not Jo-Ho) and a communist, anything nasty that could come into their minds. I literally couldn't focus in school because they'd tell me "I'll get you after school", and they really meant it! Many times I'd run as soon as the bell rang to try and get away from them. Often they'd ambush me, hiding behind bushes on my route home. Later, when riding the school bus, the driver would let me sit in the front row - often that didn't help because they'd shoot spitballs at me, or come up behind me and use their thumb and forefinger to "thwak" my ears. It was pure torment. To make matters even worse, I was small for my age, making me an even juicier target.
The sad part about it, I understood why I was a target - although I knew it didn't justify their actions. I was a pariah in school since I couldn't celebrate anything, do Pledge of Allegiance, etc. as all of you already know. I didn't have any friends, and there weren't any other JW kids in my class to hang around with, so I became a loner. I just pretty much accepted my fate.
My parents were no help. Mom was a JW, Dad was not. Mom said it was good to be persecuted for Jah, Dad said I should learn to defend myself (while offering no help in doing so). Besides, how can you defend yourself against 10 kids jumping you at one time? Then there were the spankings at the KH, and unjustified beatings at home that I won't even go into now...since we're talking about school bullying. I can really relate to what Joshinaz is talking about.