How old was Mary when she gave birth to Jesus?

by jam 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legacy


    Since witnesses know when the fall of Jerusalem was...607 BC...just count

    Seriously, God thought she was too young to loose her virginity...that's why he deflowered, but come to think of it, when she gave birth, she wasn't a virgin no more...not possible... now I'm not saying God can't do all things fact he can do anything..he is God. How old was she, who knows...ask a witness. Oh wait, I'm a witness...but I don't know...

    If I ask any of the sisters or brothers..they would say...some things Jehovah don't want us to know...


  • JWdaughter

    I think that in a typically insular way, we do tend to project our own cultural values and mores onto others-even God, himself. We also do it to ourselves calling men who are attracted to pubescent girls as pedophiles. Culturally, it is inappropriate for them to try to get together with them, however, it is not a pedophilic act to be turned on by a girl who has reached puberty. Yep, we think its kind of yukky (at best), but while they can do things that are abusive of authority or just plain sexual assault, it doesn't make them pedophiles.

    It is sick to us to hear of a very young girl being impregnated-and usually, in our culture, it means some sick and twisted things have happened. But don't put that on every situation, its a mistake.

  • jam

    tammy; The bottom line, a child was raising a child.

    Maybe that is why we have no information on Jesus early

    days (1-12). Jesus and Mary were playmates. Remember mothers

    were responsible for raising a child in those days.

    So the Messiah raised by a 12 year old. Please give me a break.

  • tec

    NO, Jam... that is not the bottom line. Tell me how you have come to the conlusion that Christ was raised by a 12 year old.



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