Did You Feel Bad For the JW Dishwasher-Cook Who Quit His Job (May JW Broadcasting)To Avoid Attending Later Meetings?  He Pioneered on Welfare or Unemployment!

by RoyalFlushPhil 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewYork44M
    If prayers are more readily received by new publishers - why did it take him 6 months to get a job? It is pretty lame that jehober needs 6 months to find a minimum wage job for one of his worshipers.
  • ToesUp

    This Brother was a fool to leave a job before he had a new one. How irresponsible, he has a family.

    The depiction of this scenario is exactly what the Watchtower wants it members to do. They want you to quit your job instead of finding another job first or going to a different meeting time that fits your schedule.

    These guys are so out of touch with reality . How can you be in reality when you don't have to make a living and EVERYTHING is taken care of for you. What is so sad about it is that people follow along with it at the expense of their families.

  • AlwaysBusy

    First of all, I don't believe this is true, as stated previously, a short-order cook with 3 kids and a wife could not afford the lifestyle he was living. Secondly, no one in their right mind would quit a job for a meeting if there was another meeting he/she could attend, quite easily, in its place. It makes me very sad, the fake stories, the asking for millions of dollars, changing teachings without an apology, engaging in stupid antics "Have the Time of Your Life" so people will attend the conventions. Where's the bible, Jehovah and Jesus in all of this? A couple of elders came to my house a couple of months ago, and, somehow we started talking about 1975. One of the elders said, "The brothers (r&f) got carried away and looked forward to the end coming in 1975". I told him, "NO, it was the GB and the WT who told us that 1975 was the end....I know, because I was there." Neither elder said a word, how could they, it was the truth.

    One time at a circuit assembly the speaker was talking about the ills of higher education. At that time, my daughter was in the university, was baptized and regular in service. I was and still am (she has her Phd in economics and works at the FDA in D.C.) super-proud of her. Anyway, after his talk I took my daughter and went to the speaker. I said, "Why must we always be told of the evils of education? My daughter is attending the university. She grew up with a group of 8 young people at our KH, the other kids had prominent parents (I was and still am a nobody). And do you know what? She is the only one left of that group still attending the meetings and going out in service." He looked at me as if I should die on the spot. Now, THAT'S a true story. I am just tired of the fakery....be honest, especially if you are supposed to be following Jesus.... Please don't tell lies, half-truths and make up stupid tales. I hate that. Please be accountable for your statements..... I have to be, why can't the GB do the same? I have been attending the KH for 61 years...there are a million true stories. Anyway, thanks for letting me go on and on.

    Take Care,


  • JWdaughter

    In our local halls, there are 3-5 congregations. He refused to keep his job because he would have to change meeting TIMES? No one said he had to work from 5am-8pm!

    I remember when I was a kid and changing halls to one that one was not assigned to was a huge issue. My mom and her best friend/next door neighbor both moved from one cong. to another (same hall). Neither one wanted to change congs. The friend was baptised, but really new. My mom still didn't take the step of baptism and since we moved tothe same neighborhood just down the road from the cong. they let them stay in the old congregation. It was an actual kerfluffle to let two JW families, new/weak/study to stay in the congregation that they knew and loved. I thought it petty then and seeing this guy and what he did just to not go to a different meeting tells me that it is still held as very important/near critical to stay in the assigned cong-whether you have to quit your job to do so or not.

    NO, I don't feel sorry for the guy. He bought into a lie and watched his family suffer for it, let taxpayers suffer for it. . . while he went bowling. He couldn't travel? Cause that is unlike what the apostles or Jesus did. . .REALLY?

    Why did new JWs get their prayers answered more readily? Is that an actual teaching (before now-cause they said it, so it must be truth, right?)

  • hoser

    I watched this just now Pure propaganda intended for cult retention. He mentioned that his skill set was limited.

    do something about it. Enroll in college

  • clarity
    Appreciate all your comments because I seem to have a Steven Lett allergy!!!!!!! Just couldn't watch that lying silly bugger!
  • ToesUp

    AlwaysBusy, I LOVE your story. Going up to the Speaker sounds like something I would do. Good for you! This organization demonizes EVERYTHING. I have seen the same thing you have. The kids who don't attend college can fall away just as easy as the kids that go. Whatever happened to making your own choices.

    Great post! Rock on!

  • RoyalFlushPhil
    Only in a HIgh Group Mind Control Cult will you find people quitting jobs without a real reason only to put their family close to losing it all and getting praise from fake Apostles!
  • Quarterback

    First of all I'm glad that this posting got it right when we changed his job as Dishwasher to Short Order Cook. I think that quitting that job was the best thing that he could do. In certain provinces, Employers have to consider an employee's religious right to not work on Sundays. So right or wrong, the legal system supports a person's religious rights. It doesn't matter if you are Moslem, Christian, Budhist, etc.

    2nd of all, The Employer did this guy a favor in firing him from this job. I used to be a Short Order Cook and it was the worst job I ever had. No wonder he was smiling when he said he lost his job. That gave him dignity.

    3rd of all, going to another meeting during the week happens all the time, and it is not going to change anytime soon.

  • kairos

    There's an elder and his wife that attend every hall in the area.
    They change to another hall when the morning meeting cycles through for their cong.

    His wife does not get up in the morning.
    I've NEVER seen her at any meeting for service...Ever.
    The group would always have to pick her up at her home when she was ready.

    Hypocrites! Go to a different meeting to keep your job? Sorry.

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