I do not understand why many people will not google to see if he/she has a mugshot, criminal record, etc.....
Do you google about someone before you date him or her?
by Iamallcool 15 Replies latest social relationships
Maybe I would face book them. But I don't think I would meet up with anyone, on a date unless I knew them pretty well first.
My real name is unisex, and I googled myself and loads of names came up the first of which was a famous male rugby player. So no I will not be googling anyone who wants to date me, it would not be reliable IMO-Kate xx
Female, attractive, not a smoker or a psycho.....good enough. If she likes me, maybe she'll let me google her after a few dates.
maybe she'll let me google her after a few dates-LOL!
Not asking for much alphaman for a quick google, very funny Kate xx
Suraj Khan
My current wife googled me when we first started going out and found that I'd written erotica for a living in my 20s.
Still not sure if she took that as a plus or a minus, but she married me anyway.
c'mon now she wanted to see if you could act as good as you write... . . . .
Ooh, i have never been googled, before;)
Yes! One time I googled this guy and found out his dad is a billionaire. It was wild. The more I read about his dad the more I wanted to know! To this day he doesn't know I know how wealthy he is. And we're pretty good friends.
There is so much information about everyone of us on line. I am not single and am not dating, but if I was I most definately do an internet search of potential partners.
I also suggest that before you begin exchanging body fluids you shoud obtain a credit report and the last three year tax returns.
The character of the potential parent of your children is a big deal. Treat it accordingly.