Most definitely.. Especially after the shady characters I have dated in the past... Who were supposed good JW boys. .. With the horror stories I have its a wonder I even want to date at all. And I have to admit the thought of dating is kinda scary.
Do you google about someone before you date him or her?
by Iamallcool 15 Replies latest social relationships
Date? What is this strange word you speak of?
Here is one of the definitions of "date"----- go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested). "my sister's pretty judgmental about the girls I date"
synonyms: go out with, take out, go around with, be involved with, see, go steady with; More -
Date? What is this strange word you speak of?
Date. (noun). A prearranged meeting of usually 2 people, usually with romantic or sexual intent. See also, hookup.
Amelia Ashton
Date ? What is this strange word you speak of? Lol
I left the dating game years ago but I Google all new potential hedgehog owners. Sometimes when sending an email to them the first time I get their facebook page come up and I go and look at that too. So far I haven't discovered anything bad but if I did they would not be getting a hedgehog from me.
I'm SO single that a " prearranged meeting of usually 2 people, usually with romantic or sexual intent" is an orgy to me.