He's been to my door a couple of times as they've done the territory and said hello and all that, a nice, clean-shaven version of Santa Clause. He was with a sister, a mild, pleasant intelligent sister with whom I always got on well, and we had a bit of a simple pleasantries-exchanging chat while my husband ran off and hid in the house like he normally does when JWs come.
We got onto the sister's university studies and I said, "But at the DC they lumped university education in with fornication and every terrible thing!"
Shaved Santa pipes up suddenly, "Oh, you're not meant to take that seriously. For goodness sakes, we're smart enough to make our own decisions about these things!"
If I were quicker witted, I would have said, "So what else does the GB say that we're not supposed to take seriously?" but instead I showed them my chickens.
I seem to observe that many JWs I know interpret what comes from the Gibbering Buddy quite liberally. Around here anyway, and the ones that do are better people for it, like Shaved Santa still talks to his disfellowshipped daughter.