An Ex-JW Legal Department, NGOs, ect…

by Londo111 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Londo111

    The Watchtower has the means because of the Legal Department to win cases in their favor, and appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court. The average person does not often have the resources to get equal legal representation. It is David going up against Goliath, but in real life: Goliath wins.

    If only there was a Legal Department for ex-JWs who needed it, whereupon they could get free legal help, not just on behalf of themselves, but who could win rights for the entire ex-JW community, even individual JWs who need help against such a huge Cooperation.

    For instance, have you caught wind that the elders are doing an investigative committee on you, violating your privacy? Imagine how a Legal Department could help.

    Also, the Watchtower has in recent decades delved into the realm of being an NGO…for a decade with the UN and now with regional bodies such as the OSCE. The primary purpose is to win rights for the Watchtower. But what if the ex-JW community could form a NGO as well? We have rights as well that need to be addressed. What if we could address them before the UN or OSCE?

  • blondie

    There are law firms that are up to speed on child abuse cases.

    Check with Barbara Anderson about law firms that are up to speed on other issues.

  • Londo111

    This is more hypothetical pondering. Personally, I don’t need legal help…not currently, at least. Of course, her input into this would be welcome.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The law in the US at least is entirely on the JW side though: They do not get involved in internal religious procedures. They feel that if you're a grown person, you can leave the JW faith and basically remove yourself from anyone that doesn't care for you.

    Why worry and spend money on these people? Unless they have done something illegal, you can just leave. I've done it, countless others have. Just leave without saying anything, that hurts them more than vindicating their persecution in courts.

  • Londo111

    Personally, I’ve faded. Of course, it wasn’t without some loss, but so far, things are quiet--although I’m not sure what the future will bring. One can never be sure.

    Unfortunately, not everyone is in the same boat. Some people do not have the circumstances where they can just walk away silently. And besides…what if a person does not want to remain silent? It doesn’t take saying much to trigger a judicial committee.

  • thomasaquinas

    As a former specialist in Judicial crap. A publisher or interested person just threatening legal action for a Dfing or otherwise can go a long way. A letter from a law firm stating your intent works well also. Usually the Elders contact the Branch ASAP...(their righteous task for the year) then the Branch usually says back off until they wish to return and then handle it...of courses they will then pummel them a bit more to get back in.....longer period of wait or secretly behind their back labeling them as dangerous and to wary of....

  • AlphaMan

    For instance, have you caught wind that the elders are doing an investigative committee on you, violating your privacy? Imagine how a Legal Department could help.

    No need for a legal dept. Just tell them to go F themselves, and just threaten legal action. The cowardly Watchtower will back down.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    You raise a good point. There are some problems. First, if a fund were set up, what criteria would a committee use to select worthy exJWs? I've studied this in school and in real life. The ACLU, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, etc. take only the rarest cases. They select which priority is the most important. Funding is the problem. Also, b/c litigation costs so much money, not every worthy case is fought. They look for cases that will impact millions of people. Another factor is the present state of the law and the voting patterns of the justices in the jurisdiction.

    I know it looks as tho they rescue everyone b/c I used to believe it. Working as a college student, law student, and lawyer for the ACLU changed my mind in a few minutes. The phones would ring off the hook with people in desperate need of help. Most people get referral letters to more specific public interest groups. The problem is that this work is low paid for lawyers. They make a fraction of what they could make in a private practice. It doesn't attract millions of lawyers.

    Also, most of these cases are actually farmed out to large Wall St. and Washington, DC law firms. Corporate law is boring compared to public interest law. A win before important cases gets in the major newspapers and other media which shows corporate clients how good the firm's lawyers are.

    Unlike others here who thinking suing is easy, I worked on the front lines of several causes. If you lose, you set your favorite cause back decades, Wins are causes for ecstasy. It becomes an emotional roller coaster.

    I've tried to explain many times that law suits are a poor vehicle for justice. In general, law (the whole body of it) favors the status quo of government and property interests. It developed that way from the start. We celebrate the few places the law provides civil rights and civil liberties. The body of law is on the WTBTS side. They are a corporation. This shields them from most liablity. Individuals might be responsible in local KHs. This is not unique to the WT. I am certain every religion organizes this way. It is their legal right to do so.

    Defamation, libel, --whatever are often bandied about by posters here. These causes of action has strict elements that must be met for a case to succeed. I don't see how spending money on lawyers in most cases would change the end result.

    I would suggest guerrila warfare a la the sixties. Creative entertaining demonstrations in the vein of Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Hoffman. Ridicule them.

    In an ideal world, there would be enough lawyers for everyone. The lawyers would be of equal quality and the funding would be adequate. We don't live in such a world.

    It becomes complicated. If we can't agree on this board and off this board, how can we ever agree who would be trustees? How would the lawyers be selected? I am not willing to part with funds for most of the causes here. There would have be very strong odds that the money would not be wasted. The law would be ripe for change. The suit must affect many exJWs.

    Religion is such a personal experience. Living well as proud apostates or being indifferent is the best way to stop the WT. Educating family and friends is more practical. The First Amendment will not disappear. How many peope here have had to go through law suits in their private lives? They are not fun. The costs are draining.

    If law would succeed, I would cheer you on and offer funding. There may a rare exception. In terms of telephone calls or letters, anyone can be an agent for another person. You could designate a friend to make phone calls. Sort of sports agent or celebrity agent. Playing on a field where you will lose is not wise. TV shows should stop making lawsuits look so glamorous. They are ugly. You only sue when you exhaust all other possibilities.

  • Londo111

    Thank you for your input. I know very little about the law. The so-called justice system is often anything but just.

  • Phizzy

    I think your idea has tremendous merit Londo.

    The WT has had it all its own way for way too long. They use money donated for the "Worldwide Work" by people who can ill afford it, to finance the defense of their private fiefdom.

    And in the past, (things may well change once Candace Conti's case is finally over), they have kept this spending, and the reasons for it, secret.

    Why ?

    Because they are ashamed of what they are defending with effectively Tax Payers money.

    Any scheme that makes it more likely this terrible cult will be made to face the full force of the Law has to be applauded.

    Ideas have legs, I pray that yours does.

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