Genital Mutilation - Is anyone watching this?

by Slidin Fast 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Another side of the circumcision story is that a circumcised glans is caloused and less sensitive, therefore the ladies have more fun time before the bomb drops.

    Maybe Jehovah reckoned that if the ladies had more fun with Jews, he could grow his cult faster?

  • tootired2care

    Genesis 17:

    23 And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him.

    24 And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.

    Imagine the awkwardness and humiliation of this... being a grown man and undergoing a circumcision by a 90 year old man. This is so weird!!! This account never set well with me when I was JW. Why didn't god just create the way he wanted it to be to being with. The god of the bible is a sick wierdo.

  • problemaddict

    FGM and male circumcision are not the same. Period.

    FGM is born out of superstition and the idea that it is wrong for a woman to feel pleasure from sex. That there is something wrong with those parts. A fairly common practice in Africa for some reason.

    Circumcision actually has benefits, although I realize this is up for debate. Also, your junk doesn't look weird and stays cleaner. We aren't swinging from vines in the jungle anymore, no need to protect the tip from the inside of our pants unless you don't know how to use the zipper.

  • redvip2000

    There is also societal pressure. For example in the U.S. there is an expectaction to be circumsized. Not doing it, usually means you will be made fun of in school showering after gym class or sports practice. A lot of women in the U.S. also refuse or dislike the idea of having sex with a man who is not circumsized.

    So parents end up doing this to their kids, out of concern over these social phobias, and not because they see any health value associated with it.

  • tootired2care
  • Fernando

    I've been wondering if the apostate Watchtower's ban on oral sex could be seen as a type of FGM since the outcome is the same for the many woman not capable of climaxing without oral sex.

  • Scully

    The first time I observed a newborn boy being circumcised, I almost fainted. Since then, I've probably assisted with over 100 of these procedures. I'm not fond of the procedure, even with local anaesthetic and oral pain control medications, as well as a sterile environment and instruments, every single baby is traumatized by the experience in one way or another.

    When parents ask me about circumcision for their son, I talk about what we are learning about the function of the foreskin. It serves a similar purpose for the glans penis as the eyelids serve for the eyeball. Without eyelids (or eyelids that are paralyzed by a stroke) the cornea becomes dry and scarred (keratinized), and results in damage to the eye. The foreskin keeps the glans from becoming keratinized, thus allowing it to retain its sensitivity during sexual experiences. That's not to say that circumcision ruins *all* the fun or even diminishes it noticably - I wouldn't know that because I don't have the equipment - but I suspect that circumcised men enjoy sex just as much as their intact counterparts.

    Female Genital Mutilation (FGM, aka female "circumcision") as practiced in Africa is a far cry from the mere removal of foreskin. There are several "levels" of FGM that are practiced, depending on local custom. The most extreme involves removal of labia majora, labia minora and clitoris and then suturing the vagina closed, leaving a small opening for the passage of urine and menstrual blood. This is done when a girl is about 8 years of age, and often she is tricked by her relatives to go visit an "auntie" for a special party in her honour. The girl is held down on a bench or a table and the "auntie" has helpers to hold the girl's legs open so she can start cutting. There are no provisions for cleanliness, and sometimes the girl is cut with the same kitchen knife that was used to butcher the chicken that was cooked for dinner, or with a broken piece of glass. The girl is not given anything for the pain. When the 'procedure' is completed, her legs are bound together and she must lay still for several days lest the wounds open up and she bleeds profusely. She may develop an infection due to the unsanitary nature of the makeshift operating table and the utensils used to cut her.

    I've looked after some of these women after they have delivered a baby, and it's absolutely horrible to see the mess that's been made of their genitalia.

    You just can't compare this devastation to male circumcision.

    That being said, I see absolutely no reason for the practice of circumcising infant males to continue. If an adult male wishes to make that modification to his body, that should be *his* right, it should not be for the parents to impose their cosmetic or religious peculiarities on their child.

  • Scully


    I've been wondering if the apostate Watchtower's ban on oral sex could be seen as a type of FGM since the outcome is the same for the many woman not capable of climaxing without oral sex.

    No, I wouldn't consider the Watchtower's aversion to oral sex to be a type of FGM, but more an overt display of misogyny and complete ignorance of what normal sexuality includes. Remember, the old farts on the GB probably have NO clue what they're missing out on, so they have to make things like oral sex "dirty", "perverted" and "unnatural". They don't want anyone else to be having better or more sex than what they're getting.

  • smiddy

    Female circumcision is a barbaric practice performed on young girls in the most crudest and painful way in many lands including the so called enlightened free world of western society. Okay, it may be outlawed in many western countrys, yet at the same time they turn a blind eye to the practice by ethnic / cultural groups . Very,very few if any, prosecutions occur because of the practice.

    And what appals me the most is the indoctrination of the older women who condone ,support ,and participate in this barbaric procedure .

    I recommend reading " INFiDEL" an autobiography by AYAAN HIRSI ALI MY LIFE , she also wrote "The Caged Virgin"

    "A Muslims woman`s Cry for Reason"


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