just got my first shun.:(

by unstopableravens 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Unstoppable!!!!! "In your own house?" bellowed Cofty!!!! Exactly!!!!

    Especially in YOUR home?!?!

    Everything that Cofty said!!!!!

    It drives me frogbat craAzy when I hear stories like this.

    Don't give them power over you. Don't be reactive. If they choose not to acknowledge your existence don't make it easy for them. That doesn't mean act confrontational. Behave as you normally would.

    Remember, they think they are behaving in a righteous way. What they are doing is trying to shame you. Well, shame on them!!!

  • adamah

    Eleanor Roosevelt is attributed as saying, "no one can make you feel inferior without giving them your consent".

    If you're going to come up with a strategy, try not to be a stark, angry raving arse about it (or bystanders will side with them, LOL!); instead, kill them with kindness and come up with a dialogue that flips the tables and makes them appear like the weak-minded individuals they are, choosing to go with the mindless herd rather than being unable to stand up for their own rights as individuals.

    If you've never read this article before, it might be helpful to consider why whining and complaining about how much it makes you feel like trash is actually counter-productive, and actually reinforces the behavior, since that's exactly the GOAL of shunning:



  • whathappened

    How trashy to shun the head of the house while under his roof. Hypocrites!

  • Patrick45

    Fantastic situation! They are in your house and they have to listen to you if you talk in YOUR HOUSE! If it's on charge of apostasy best thing to do would be to tell them that you realy love them as a person, and that you forgive them their sin of ignoring you. How great it would be to sit down and read bible verses and "think aloud" maybe some parts of Matth 23 or 1Kor15. or maybe the story of the great crowd serving God in his "divine habitation" as per the WT interlinear. Singing praises to Jah in the house would be a fantastic thing, no?

    They have the idea that everyone is spiritually dead outside of the org, Well I am not! I can tell you that I was never closer to God and Jesus being outside of the org! It s a tougher way but hey, doesnt the bible say something about a narrow way and the fact that the true followers of Christ would be thrown out of the congs and most would believe this was a service to God?

    Cheer up. If you need christian fellowship, look around you, there are plenty of groups out there where true christians are to be found. Not many but some for sure.

    God bless you.

  • Oubliette

    They shunned you in your own house? Why on earth didn't you throw them out on their sanctimonious asses?

  • unstopableravens

    thanks all, like i said technally they were in my mother in laws part of the house( one house) each floor is made into aprtments. (the house is a trinity) one house three distanct apartments lol.

  • cofty

    Sounds more like Partialism - heretic!

  • unstopableravens

    cofty: lol you know what i meant

  • cofty
  • LogCon

    It would be a good time to help them fully understand how you feel. You could reveal to them some of your innermost thoughts and desires.

    Such as:

    " I have a incredible desire to seeing you flying down the front stairs with an imprint of my size 10 on your left buttocks. "

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