jw and jw defenders, have you been born again?
by unstopableravens 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i notice that jw supporters like to come on here and discuss small things that make them feel better than ex jw, like holidays and such. why not look at what is more important(phil1:1o) the bible is clear you must enter the kingdom to have salvation (luke 18:18-26) and you must be born again to enter that kingdom(john 3:1-16) there is no salvation outside gods kingdom. jw how do you except to have salvation another way than what jesus said?
Easy! It's such a loving provision from Jehovah. The Great Crowd although being not a part of the covenant, do get to benefit from the relationship the all powerful Slave has. So, JW's get to ride the coat tails of the GB to a paradise earth. I'm most looking forward to seeing my baby platypus and baby seal wrestle while my days are like the days of a tree and I live in my own home with nice figs.
comatose: really i want the jw to see the need for the new birth, without it they can only present to Yahweh there own good works, which will not get them salvation. as far as your secong comment i dont want to debate belief in salvation on this thread. the jw and myself both believe in salvation, we differ on how to get salvation.
you must be born again to enter that kingdom
If you want to communicate to a JW you need to get behind the jargon.
Please explain as clearly as possible, without using jargon to explain jargon, precisely what you mean by "born again".
To be a christian
to be born again: is where god makes a person alive spirtually
when a person is born again, they are a new creation as 2 corintians 5:17 states. we become god children (john 1:12;13)
It's useless, unstopableravens.
Jehovah's Witnesses are too brainwashed to comprehend what you are asking.
I asked this question to an elder over breakfast and all he could do is deflect how others have said they are born again and so they can shoot someone and they will still be forgiven. Jw,s just can't fathom the point.