band on the run, i do like what you write. when i first read your posts when you started here i was a little confused, but that might have been the language barrier, i'm an austrian (= german to you over there) after all. i'm as atheist as it gets, but i'd sign most of what you wrote here lately.
this site sucks! its just a buncha athiest on soap boxes.
by crossquestions6995 167 Replies latest jw friends
I am more concerned with growing as a christian rather than debating in pointless arguments.
For the first time you have encountered rational arguments that challenge your beliefs and you have decided to keep your fingers firmly in your ears. Too bad.
If that were the case then I would not be able to honestly say that I am a "firm believer". There is no way in the world I would be able to believe something if it didnt stand up to every sort of challange. Example: the watchtower org.
Unlike a majority of christians u may run into, I study in depth the paranormal, history, science, all religions, athiesm, new age, agnostisism, paganism, occult, sacred geometry, gov, etc... And have come out an even stronger believer in a creator. I never write things or people off as untrue or fairly tale just because it doesnt fit into my "box". There is truth in each camp. But there are also a lot of deception.
I just realize that im over trying to "win" arguments with people who are just trying to re-a firm their own stance. I'd rather spend my time somewhere where I can actually learn.
Atheism just doesnt have much to offer me in the relm of education. There is just too much evidence to the contrary. And if a premise is flawed from the get go, then how can it provide anything to build on?
<<<< Atheism just doesnt have much to offer me in the relm of education. There is just too much evidence to the contrary. And if a premise is flawed from the get go, then how can it provide anything to build on?>>>>
Evidence to the contrary of atheism is evidence of the existence of a creator. Please provide some examples of the "too much evidence" you have to support your point.
I do agree with your point that if a premise is flawed from the get go, then its ability to provide a foundation to build on is questionable. That's exactly what I think of theism. It is flawed from the get go, and there is nothing to build on. A foundation of fiction does not support reasonable beliefs.
There is just too much evidence to the contrary
If you believed that you would stay here and test your beliefs with intelligent and very well-informed critics of theism. You arrogantly dismissed everybody who disagrees with you as unworthy of your time and attention.
You are self-deluded and intellectually dishonest.
Atheism just doesnt have much to offer me in the relm of education.
At the very least we could teach you spelling and grammar.
I see a few disciplines are missing from your list. Your head must be crammed.
Crossquestions, considering it is so hostile you are sure taking your time leaving,
Maybe come back when you have disconnected your emotions from discussing evidence, doctrine, beliefs, reality.
Last time you allowed your emotions to bias your judgment, remember what happened........
Crossquestions said- Thanks for the responses everyone. And I hope your journey takes u where u want to be.
Telling statement, isn't it?
CQ still seems to cling to the old JW fairy tale that one's hopes, wishes, and dreams will get someone where they want to be, if only they believe strongly enough in their fantasy. That's the hallmark of a future cult member, only he's looking to transfer groups.
SNR said- Last time you allowed your emotions to bias your judgment, remember what happened........
I presume you're talking about the baptism occurring in the foreground, and not the shirtless guy in the background who apparently was blinded by his emotions enough to don those speedos in public?
Whether athiesm has much to offer anyone personally is neither here nor there. It is either a viable "take" on life or not.
Intelligent people try not to subscribe to views because of what they get out of them - although it is undoubtedly the case that when it comes to "choosing" one's religious beliefs, the heart rules big time but then it slaps in place a handy "rationale" in defense of those beliefs. Oh boy does the heart ever do this!
Crossquestions appears to operate on the principle of "If it meets my needs, it must be true". Hey, Santa Claus and Snowwhite meet the fantasy needs of millions of children and even enriches their lives - but these "facts" do not make the jolly big red man and the luscious white woman real or true.
I apologize if it sounds like im dismissing anyone. Obviously emotion and intent do not translate well over this medium (at least not for me as u can tell from my grammer, punctuation, and spelling).
I have these discussions and debates in real life not online. I have access to many different people with many different viewpoints. And all these people are very educated in their respected fields (many are atheists). So this is not a new topic of discussion for me. I just choose not to bog down my time debating this topic on an ex-jw site with internet scholars. I am bogged down with research, study, work, and life. Which is why "testing my intellect" here seems a little pointless.
This is not saying that this site isnt helpful for people still struggling with the jw's. Obviously it helps a lot of people. But I am not there anymore. So I would rather get my religious advice from another source.
Im sorry that upsets some of you so much. But I would be useless in a back n forth typing war with obvious seasoned vets. Thats why I stand by my previous statements and bow out of all the "gods a fairy tale" arguments.
You can believe who and what u want.