Rest assured, crossquestions... even if you DO face the very best 'case' against your beliefs... as long as you do not succumb to that case and admit that a) your faith is irrational and/or based on nothing; or b) there is no God... then some of those 'anti-theists' will STILL label you as intellectually dishonest.
I say anti-theists and not atheists becaues there is a distinction, and I am actually glad that the anti-theists are owning their own label, so that people can stop lumping in an atheist - who may be quite happy to live and let live, at least as long as others allow THEM to live and let live - with an anti-theist who may be just as black and white in his/her thinking as those whose faith they are fighting against.
This forum (and pretty much any forum) has loving and kind and moral and supportive people of any 'faith or non-faith', and for many members the support found here (as well as the great amount of wts info, past and present) has been like a life-line for them upon their exit from the wts. This forum also has people who are much less supportive, lol... at least in regard to someone leaving the wts with their faith intact and/or stronger for having turned to Christ. But you cannot control that or what other people do. You can only control what YOU say and do. Others will react as they will. This forum also can be forgiving, so even though your OP and title are unfair, (except for a few people not so forgiving), many will accept your apology. Might be best to move on from THIS thread though ; )
I said this on the other thread like this one, but I will repeat: Sometimes it may be helpful to consider that any false statement about Christ and God grants those who have faith in them and belong to them the opportunity to bear witness to the truth, instead. Because to be sure, this forum is not going to allow a statement of faith to go unchallenged, so that is something that one needs to be prepared for here.
Peace to you,