crossquestion... try the jwstruggle forum, maybe you'll find what you want there.
this site sucks! its just a buncha athiest on soap boxes.
by crossquestions6995 167 Replies latest jw friends
It would be easy to say and leave it at that, that if you really feel that way, there's the digital door and don't let it hit you in the behind on your way out. But in reality, some that you would term atheists are not necessarily against religion. I think religion is fine for those who need it. For me, I refuse to drink the Kool-Aid and I encourage everyone who wants to be a believer to do so but not with eyes closed. There is value in ritual and discipline and tradition. I just think people should be aware of what they’re doing and not do it because their parents did it or because they are desperately ignorant. This is where you will have the opportunity to challenge others on their views and have your views challenged. I can't think of a more egalitarian place. Other than that, your other choice is to tip the cup and drink away.
Have you considered that maybe most of us atheists have had a really tough time converting against our natural bias FOR God?
It is my case, I assure you.
I do make posts that are atheistic in nature. My sincerity is no different than it was a a JW publisher — I promise.
I want to share (not impose) my discoveries — open to be corrected if I'm wrong.
Could you give us an example of someone who posts as if he or she is "smarter than everyone else"?
Please do... Hoping I have not been guilty of such serious arrogance. -
came here looking for both point of views from ex-jw's cuz there are valid points in both camps.
But as soon as "God" comes into the thread, His validity is immidiatly the focal point of the topic.
Or, the poster who brought him up is either ignored or berated.
I`m Agnostic..I don`t care if you believe in God..
....I care about Lunch!..My Lunch!!..
As far as the HONEST, OPEN MINDED discussion. Yes I am sincere about that. But I dont want it to break down into a name calling sandbox fight. Because I respect that this is your world view. And dont want to tamper with it (a.k.a. trying to convert each other). But if its about getting real answers then im game.
But as soon as "God" comes into the thread, His validity is immidiatly the focal point of the topic.
Please tell me how this could be any different?
If we are having a discussion on a subject, and the main player is not certain to even exist, how could the discussion not turn to establishing the truth of the premise first? -
But if its about getting real answers then im game.
Then we are in agreement. ;) -
Let's bear in mind that we all are here to share thoughts, and argue them to weed out the true from false _ or suspend judgement on what we can't find out yet.
I enjoy being challenged. I most certainly was when I was a theist... that doesn't mean that my conversion is now closed, and that I am more right now as an atheist.
I could have missed important things in my quest. It only means that at this point of my search, atheism is what makes the most sense to me.
Here, the subjects of debate offers us an opportunity to put our convictions to the test. :) -
Here is what you need to do. Start a topic with your question or thought. Ignore those who just comment to berate your point of view. YOUR responsibility is to not come out with the self-righteous guns a'blazin. You can't start a thread with a blanket ad-hominem attack and then demand respect. It doesn't work that way. You also need to put on your big-boy pants if you come to this site.
You must also realize that no one has all the answers, and we will all disagree in this life.
if its about getting real answers then im game
Then take a browse at the many threads where the big issues have been discussed in depth or f eel free to start a new thread of your own.