144.001 said-
I enjoy reading your posts, as they are usually well reasoned, so I am surprised at your use of false analogy. Accusing someone of committing a crime is not analogous to criticizing someone for making that accusation. One act could result in legal consequences, the other act could never have that result.
Unfortunately, a few self-identified "activists" have repeatedly shown open contempt for legalities in the past when contacted via PM. It becomes worrisome when they openly advocate on public forums that OTHERS do the same, ironically also relying on similar "ends-justified" arguments such as yours above, as if their cause of taking down the Borg warrants "special pleading", with them operating "above the law". Hence the many superhero references, or Don Quixote "tilting at windmills" thing: it's well-deserved, IMO, since the egos are so thick you can cut them with a knife. It's why it was refreshing to see Cedars post an honest and open video recently; that's the kind of approach that's needed, a calm gentle message.
The problem is that the adversial approach (associated with the likes of Rick Fearon) is playing right into the hands of the GB, since remember the GB's definition of an apostate is an 'angry, hate-filled mentally-diseased EX-JW who will stop at NOTHING by lying and breaking laws in order to discredit Jehovah's Earthly Organization".
So it's hard to fathom how some of these so-called "activists" can be so dense as to think they're actually working AGAINST the GB by LIVING UP to the very expectations that R&F JWs are trained to be on the lookout to avoid? How exactly does becoming the living embodiment of the GB stereotype work AGAINST them, since it only serves to bolster the doubting JW's defense mechanisms, CONFIRMING the claims that the GB makes about apostates?
Simply put, it doesn't, and using that approach is as ill-advised as say, the Germans deciding to attack the French Maginot Line head-on, rather than simply bypassing it and going around it, coming back after it's been abandoned.
That's why some have questioned the motives of some of these so-called "activists", since they seem to get some kind of perverse ego gratification from all the attention; it's is quite inconsistent with simply wanting to assist others to be free from a cult by learning TTATT. I've even openly asked whether some might actually be JW operatives, out to discredit apostates, as if to confirm the sentiment expressed by SBF on his departure (likely a forced confession made to avoid shunning, after being caught in the act), "there truly is nothing out there". I've since concluded that yes, in fact they actually might just be that socially-inept, likely from having been in the JWs for a bit too long or during their critical developmental period of childhood.
If any of you watched that Herman Munster video I posted ("if your religion is like a bad lover", on the last page: i posted it again here, below), it sums up the situation quite well at the end: "People don't need a Savior; they need to feel safe".
It's not about donning super-hero costumes and high-fiving each other for the many e-mails you've received as a result of engaging in "life-saving work" (that kind of thinking is likely a remnant of JW's telling themselves THEY'RE engaging in a life-saving work by knocking on doors: same BS, just vanilla, instead of chocolate). People need to get over themselves and get a handle on their egos, since as demonstrated in this thread, JWs have to be RECEPTIVE to leaving the JWs (whether a forced exit via DFing or having a crisis of conscience), just like they had to be receptive to join. It's not about some powerful individual toppling an Evil Empire thru the sheer power of his charisma, but it's simply about wanting to help others, since you cannot FORCE anyone to accept what they don't want to accept.
Similarly, no one also can FORCE anyone to change their tactics, just like none of us can (or, more accurately, SHOULD) force anyone to act under anything but their own power. But everyone who engages in the effort should understand that lying and deceiving with fantastic made-up and implausible claims (eg "WT is on the verge of bankruptcy", or the "Anon has a pedophile list", etc smacks of the type of 'yellow journalism' that the National Inquirer would be ashamed to publish) is only likely to back-fire, as it will simply reinforce the GB stereotype and thus make ALL ex-JWs look bad. Not everyone has to take the tact of Paul's JWfacts.com, but kudos to him for setting the bar as high as he has, presenting info in an accurate, honest manner. That should be the benchmark for all ex-JWs.
So like it or not, we're all in the same boat, but it's high-time some individuals recognize it is a group effort, and not all about them always acting out, as if demanding to be the center of attention as they cycle between their various mood states.