I find it very sad that after being here so long people could misunderstand my intentions. Precisely b/c of my background and experience I know what legal challenges are likely to be successful. I repeatedly try to explain what the law requires. Other lawyers here told me I was wacky b/c this is an ignorant community. Let people pay for legal information. Well, I will never give legal advice. The average American knows so little about the nature of our society. I merely try to educate what is possible and what will never happen. The WT cannot be destroyed. It is protected by the First Amendment. It can be constrained by a public education campaign. Choosing strategy wisely is an important part of radical activism. I suggest reading Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radical.s.
People here want to do things to the WT that would outrage a nation. When you advocate such tactics, you boost the power of the WT. One thing I notice is the Silent Lambs scenarios. Calling attention to the two-witness rule is important work. If a statute requires reporting and they pull a two-witness rule, the Witnesses should be prosecuted. Reporting every lawsuit filed, regardless of the underlying merits is silly. First, the defendant may be completely innocent of any misconduct. Individuals abuse children, not corporations. Every church faces this problem. There is not any organization that also does not face the problem. Precision is important in life. When you call out every remotely possible claim, people assume you are calling "Wolf!" The Conti case has special facts that make it a potential winner. The WT had notice. In most cases, there is no notice. There are substantial legal issues that the WT raised that must be resolved by an appeals court.
As a veteran of progressive causes, there is so much we can do against the WT. Living our own lives well is the best option. Providing informational resources, such as JWFacts does, is another. Talking to our friends about our JW experience is another. Providing emotional support for those leaving is crucial. I believe the emotional support is crucial. Writing books or blogs is yet another powerful way to go. If you study Gandhi or the American civil rights movement, these are types of actions they took. You don't waste your money and emotions on hopeless battles. Acknowledging your limits is another.
I suppose it doesn't matter how many times I explain myself. B/c I will never say burning Bethel down is a good thing, many here will believe I am evil. This is precisely how many good movements are ruined. Fighting against each other for supremacy. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Being responsible about protests is not as sexy as being provocative. The very fact that this group was willing to lie on official state forms should announce their merit. I have not been here as long as most. Simon has provided a place for apostates to gather and exchange ideas and information for a very long time. The disrespect is gross. Compare what Simon has alreay done to what Cedar's has done. There is no contest.